Organization Development “Organization improvement through action research” – Wendell L French & Cecil Bell
Organization Development Many questions may arise in the minds of audience!!!!!!!! OD Study Why When Who How What Where Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development It is a new term : [means] Conceptual Effort Effectiveness Viability It is a process, it links between one and another for organization – wide improvements Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development A Long term effort, led and supported by top management To improve an organization’s vision, empowerment, learning, and problem solving processes Through an on going, collaborative management of organization’s culture Adopt through the use of theories and practice of planned change Threats increased to effectiveness, efficiency and profitability Facing of challenges from turbulent environments, increased competition and changing customer demands Maintain congruence among organizational dimensions such as technology, strategy, culture and processes Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Focus On Increasing the effectiveness of Individuals Teams Organization’s human and social processes Dual Focus – a unique strength of Organizational Development Energize the talents of Organization members in the pursuit of their own self interests Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Stages and growth of Organization Development: Started late 1950’s – Behavioural scientists steeped in to make use of technology and group dynamics Apply knowledge to improve team functioning and inter group relationships Human and social processes – design of work, tasks, organization structure, conflict resolutions, strategy formulation and implementation Between 1970-80 – thousands of Organizations in both private and public sectors used the theory and methods of Organizational development for great success Currently, Organizational development represents one of the best strategy – to cope market place & society Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Definitions of Organization Development: Earlier definitions: Organization development is an effort (1) planned, (2) organization-wide, and (3) managed from top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and health through (5) planned interventions in the organization’s processes, “using behavioural –science knowledge – Beckhard, 1969 Organization development (OD) is a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges, and the dizzying rate of change itself – Bennis, 1969 Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Definitions….. OD can be defined as a planned and sustained effort to apply behavioural science for system improvement, using reflexive, self analytic methods – Schmuck and Miles, 1971 Organization development is a process of planned change – change of an organization’s culture from one which avoids an examination of social processes (Especially decision making, planning and communication) to one which institutionalizes and legitimizes the examination – Burke and Hornstein, 1972 Organization development practitioner is to an organization as a physician is to a human body. Practitioner diagnoses the most important priorities to address in the organization, suggest a change management plan, then guides the organization through the necessary change – MC. Namara Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Today’s Organization operate in a rapidly changing environments consequently, one of the most important assets of an organization is the ability to manage change and for people to remain healthy and authentic New definition of OD, “Organization development is the attempt to influence the members of an organization to expand their candidates with each other about their views of the organization and their experience in it to take greater responsibility for their own actions as organization members” “The assumption behind OD is that when people pursue both of these objectives simultaneously they are likely to discover new ways of working together that they experience as more effective for achieving their own and their shared goals. And when it does not happen, such activity helps them to understand why and to make meaningful choices” Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Primary Characteristics of OD: Focuses on culture and process Encourages collaboration between organizational leaders and members in managing culture and process Team of all kinds are particularly important for task accomplishments Focuses primarily on the human and social side of the organization Participation and involvement in problem solving and decision making by all levels of organization Focus on systemic change, views organizations as complex social systems Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Primary characteristics of OD….. OD practitioners are facilitators, collaborators, and co-learners with the client system Focus on imparting of problem solving skills and knowledge of continuous learning through self-analytical methods to client to enable it to solve its problems ion its own Relies on action research model with extensive participation by client system members Development view seeking betterment of both individual and organization – attempting to create “Win-Win” solutions is standard practice on OD programs Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Assumptions and Values Underlying OD: Dealing with Individual Implication for Managers [Individual] Dealing with groups Implication for Managers [Group dynamics] Dealing with individuals Most individuals want to develop their potential and have drives towards personal growth and development if provided with supportive and challenging environment Most people desire to make, and are capable of making, a higher level of contribution to achieving organizational goals than is normally permitted Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Implication for managers Ask, listen, support, challenge, encourage risk-taking, permit failure, remove obstacles and barriers, give autonomy and respon- sibility, set high standards, reward success Dealing with groups One of the most relevant reference group for individuals is the work group, including peers and boss Most people desire to be accepted, and interact with one or more small reference groups Most people are capable of making greater contributions to the groups’ effectiveness and development Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Implication for managers Let teams flourish; leaders should invest in groups/teams; adopt a team-leadership style rather than a one-on-one-style; actively engage group members to help leader in decision-making Problem-solving, by training them up suitably; help group members to deal with both positive and negative feelings; solve problems through mutual interactions Designing and running an organization --- Traditional bureaucratic organization structure --- Needs & aspirations of employees to be addressed --- Putting people first can result in organizations that are humane, development and empowering as well as high performing in terms of productivity profitability and quality of output Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development OD Interventions: Refers to a set of planned change activities intended to help an organization to increase its effectiveness Based on valid information Opportunity for free and informed choice Gain members internal commitment Human Process Interventions: T – Groups – Provides members with experimental learning about group dynamics, leadership, interpersonal relations Process consultation/third party intervention – Consultant help group members to diagnose group functioning and to devise solutions to process problems (conflicts, communication, norms) Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Team Building - Goes beyond process consultations, examine group’s task, member roles, strategies for performing tasks Techno Structural Interventions: Formal Structures – Concerns organizations duration of labour – how to specialize task performance Four kinds of structures – Functional, self contained, units, matrix and net worked Differentiation and integration – specialization and coordination merchandising, redesigned as per environmental demands techno structural intervention Parallel learning structures – Creating an informal, flexible, collateral organization to supplement existing organization, to solve problems that a regular organization cannot solve Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Human Resource Management Interventions: --- Goal setting --- Performance appraisal --- Reward systems --- Career planning and development --- Managing workforce diversity --- Employees wellness --- Parallel learning structures Person- focused interventions: --- Partnership between individuals and behavioural science experts --- Individuals Participants; Experts Facilitators Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Participants Active - Intervention Facilitator Active – Intervention Encounter – Groups Role Playing Instrumentation Self – Study & Reliance Awareness & expansion Psychodynamic models Motivational Arousal Training Feedback Coaching & Mentoring Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Organization Development: Importance First Level Second Level Third Level Contractual Relationship Improved Organization performance Understanding Organization’s modern development Change Agent Early Development Action Research Sponsoring Organization Organizational self renewal Important figures/OD interventions Applied Behavioural Science System Context Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Input Transformation Output Feedback loop [A] Feedback loop [B] Feedback loop [C] Planning Preliminary dialogue Data gathering Feedback of results Action Planning Unfreezing Action Learning Processes Action planning Action steps Changing Results Changes in Behaviour Data gathering Measurement Refreezing Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty
Organization Development Unfreezing: faced with dilemma or disconfirmation, the individual or group becomes aware of a need to change Changing: The situation is diagnosed and new models of behaviour are explored and tested Refreezing: Application of new behaviour is evaluated and if reinforcing is adopted Benefits of OD: Social Mapping, strategic planning, succession planning, system intelligence, system theory and system thinking Team building, team composition, work place democracy, work place spirituality, work place planning, miles stones, change management, coaching facilitation, training and development, industrial and organizational psychology are the key benefits Presented by T.P. BALAJI, Guest Faculty