No One Plants Alone!
“Survivability” The past 20 years have produced radical changes in how churches are planted. Success rates are increasing. A 2007 North American Mission Board study assessing multidenominational church-plant survivability rates shows: 99 percent of church plants now survive their first year 92 percent survive their second year 81 percent survive their third 68 percent survive their fourth These are encouraging statistics, especially in light of pessimistic reports that “80 percent of church plants fail in the first year.” Why is this so important?
No One Plants Alone! After doing the research here’s what we’ve discovered…. We are doing a lot of things better and much of this is due to the emergence and development of church-planting systems. Church-Planting Systems Church-planting systems typically consist of assessments, real-time training (usually in the form of a Boot Camp or other intensive), mentoring/coaching/supervision, and church-planter networks. These work together to provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability for church planters. This support provides planters a greater chance for success. Church planters involved in church-planting systems tend to lead faster-growing churches and reach more people than those who are not. Here’s why: Each component of church-planting systems is designed to support planters in an area of major need.
Why Coaching? Coaching is a part of the Church-Planting Systems Coaching, along with the other systems, provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability for church planters and this provides planters a greater chance for success.
Why Coaching? The coaches’ primary role: Listen: The Church planter sets the agenda for the coaching session Ask questions: Focus and Clarity (right actions) Provide Feedback Help the church planter self-discover their answers Accountability: Did you do what you said was important? What did you learn – what got in the way – what now? Available Pray
Bottom Line Survivability is significantly higher when the church planter engages in support systems provided by denominations, networks, and/or church-planting churches.