Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP) Jed Stus; Executive Director of Professional Development & Support What Mentors Need to Know and Do to Start the Year August, 2013
Outcomes: Communicate –Intent of BTSP –Mentor Selection, Training & Stipends –Expectations and Responsibilities of all involved –Support Focus for August and September Pre-Service - 1st Day with Students - August/September –Responsibility of mentor to adjust support provided, based on educator need (Within the context of the current theme.) –Accountability process
I-SS Mentor Handbook Please provide a copy of the I-SS Mentor Handbook to mentors It will be needed and referred to in this power point
Beginning Teacher Support Program Three-year program of support Focusing on developing the capacity of educators new to the profession in each of the NC Professional Teaching Standards –Please review page 1 of the I-SS Mentor Handbook Ultimate goals of program: –Effective educators –High performing students –Successful attainment of Standard Professional II License.. –Retention of teachers
Mentor Selection Please review page 2 of I-SS Mentor Handbook with Mentors Mentors will be paid stipends this year as follows: BT1 Mentors - $525 BT2 Mentors - $350 BT3 Mentors - $250
Mentor Training Rather than a 1 day pre-service, a just in time approach will be utilized to provide professional development to new mentors –1 hour to start the year with ongoing follow up Previously trained mentors –Will participate in initial orientation at beginning of the year and be provided access to upcoming modules All mentors will have monthly contact with Instructional Facilitators Early Release PD will address some content needing to be covered
Optional Online Mentor Modules The North Carolina 21st Century Mentoring module provides mentors with the 21st century skills and knowledge needed to support beginning teachers. This module is built around the North Carolina Mentor Standards which are aligned with the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and provide direction in how mentors can support beginning teachers in each of the professional teaching standards. All North Carolina students deserve effective teachers. This module helps mentors implement best practices for guiding beginning teachers to reach their fullest potential. 81 81
Multi-Tiered Support Approach (The Players) Educator Mentor…Colleagues…..Instructional Facilitator PLC…. Grade Level/Subject Team Specialists…Interventionists Administration The beginning teacher is not alone!
Expectations of All Involved Please review page 3 of I-SS Mentor Handbook “Roles and Responsibilities of Members of the Beginning Teacher Support Program” Minimum contact is outlined in “Mentor Selection Guideline” document –BT1 3x a month –BT2 2x a month –BT3 1x a month –Of course all are encouraged to connect more frequently than the minimum
Snap Shot of the Year (page 4 of I-SS Mentor Handbook) Identifies central focus areas of support throughout the year for beginning teachers Year is broken into segments i.e. August/September, October, November/December…
First Things First Mentors at this time of the year are to ensure that the beginning educator has a solid foundation to start and successfully navigate the beginning of the year Provide coaching from the context of this timeline: –Pre-service - 1 st Day with students – August/Sept. What is a priority to get done and by when? What is mission critical and what can be attended to later in the August/September segment?
Starting on the Right Foot Review what was covered at District Orientation (page 5) Know what is being covered by the school Then consider what is presented on pages 6-10 when planning coaching with your beginning teacher for beginning of the year –Many of these topics will be covered by other colleagues. Your role is to clear up any confusion or provide initial or follow up coaching –Questions are intended as a resource to probe where support is needed. Not as a checklist of questions that all need to be answered and documented somewhere Discuss, Discover and Support
One Size Does Not Fit All All educators new to the profession have unique needs, Your challenge as a mentor is to identify these needs and provide assistance and support to address them. There are broad themes for every segment of the year; which will enable the mentor to provide targeted coaching and support within the context of these themes
Collaborative Mentor Log Mentors keep a record of topics discussed and support provided during a segment Then mentor and beginning educator collaboratively complete online log at the end of each segment Upon request, Central Support Services can send digitized logs to school leadership for review Information provided in collaborative logs: –Names, contact time, topics discussed, NCEES username
I-SS Collaborative Mentor Log Can be accessed via link on page 13 of I-SS Handbook
Peer Observation & PDP One of 4 Observations is conducted by a peer –Typically a mentor conducts observation but not with their beginning educator Mentor has 3 components of PDP to complete –Initial, Mid-Year and End of Year –Directions on how to access PDP in Educator Effectiveness System forthcoming
Between now and the 26 th (Planning) Review Orientation & Focus Documents –What do you feel is Mission Critical for Between now and the 26 th What absolutely needs to get done? What immediate support will be needed? What do they need to get their mind around in order to have a successful start of the year? Learning environment? How is that first letter home to parents going?
The 26 th …1 st Day with the Students What does a successful 1 st day with students look like? What outcomes do they want to accomplish? What processes will they have in place? How will they introduce themselves? “I don’t care what you know until I know you care.”
What does the 1 st week with students look like? Instruction? Relationships? Process and Procedures –Classroom Management –Communication
You Do Make a Difference! Thank you for your commitment to the profession and our learning organization. Your energy and efforts are noticed and appreciated.
Questions about the Beginning Teacher Support Program Contact: Jed Stus Executive Director of Professional Development & Support