23 May 2008 IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste T HE I NTERNATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY ALLIANCE Resource Registries Closing Plenary Integration.


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Presentation transcript:

23 May 2008 IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste T HE I NTERNATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY ALLIANCE Resource Registries Closing Plenary Integration and Interoperability Registry Extensions Future Directions

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Integration and Interoperability Report by Registry Providers on recent switch –RofR and Validator are big success, useful –still some minor issues, mainly UTF-8 accents –Astrogrid over a year working and first client apps Proposal to mandate and register namespaces short- names (i.e. scs:, sia:, ssa:,...) –ease querying and filtering for everybody –register in the RofR using VOStandard Monitoring service using Validator in the NVO

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Integration and Interoperability Confirmation on deleted records agreements –6 months deleted status before drop –deleted on GetResource & XQuerySearch –OAI harvesting without date filter return current Talks on multiple schema versions issue –inform client apps dev on –proposal to use isolated test Registry Client apps should soon consider switching too

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Registry Extensions Recap on services extensions status and process –SCS, SIA, SSA, SkyNode (?) in Registry WG –TAP, VOEvent, VOSpace,... in respective WG –VOResource TWiki page with How-To extension Accepted changes to VODataService –add to DataService resource –add to ParamHTTP replaces with simple query string have optional pointing to ref. –add to column elements

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Registry Extensions Other proposed changes to VODataService for TAP –changes and reshaping of hierarchy –no formal decision, will follow TAP evolution –schema v1.1 in parallel to TAP WD progress Preliminary talk on ADQL evolution and VOTable –update Registry Interface to new ADQL string –simpler search query with VOTable output –using SELECT to get back only needed value

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Future Directions Controlled Vocabularies with Registries (Norman) –propose to add, VOResource 1.1 –other solution, use for URI and string Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM) status –IVOA WD and implementation underway –full discussion planned for next InterOp ADQL evolution and VOTable output –presentation by Aurelien with propositions –trying to merge Registry usage and DAL/DM

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Future Roadmap Registry Interfaces (current status: 1.0 WD) –WD update with agreements (Kevin) {10/06} –Working Group review {10/ /07} –Request For Comments {10/ /08} –TCG review {10/ /09} VODataService (current status: 1.0 XSD WD) –Write int-WD doc (Ray & Aurelien) {15/07} –Working Group review {01/ /09} –Request For Comments {01/ /10} –TCG review {01/ /11}

23 May 2008IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Trieste Future Roadmap VODataService 1.1 (TAP updates) –XSD Working Draft (many) {01/08} –Write int-WD doc (many) {01/09} VOStandard (current status: 0.2 XSD WD) –Review XSD schema (Paul) {15/07} –Write int-WD doc (Paul) {01/08} –Working Group review {01/ /10} –Request For Comments {01/ /11} –TCG review {01/ /12}