High-Value Coaching for Leaders with Margie S Heiler, MS, MCC Certified Executive Coach and Assessments Specialist ICF CoP for Leadership Coaches – February 2014 roadtoresilience.com
“I’m passionate about helping people discover and live more fully into their core values. I have seen the positive difference it makes and am inspired by each experience, the results, and stories my leadership coaching clients and other coaches share.” - Margie Heiler, MS, MCC
OBJECTIVES Bring values into the coaching conversation Identify values gaps Co-create values awareness and alignment Build pathways to happiness through values Use a fun, versatile new values tool in your coaching
3 KEY TAKE-AWAYS Advanced techniques for values work with leadership clients Insights into the link between values and happiness How to use a fun new coaching tool: The Road to Resilience Values Deck (it’s two decks in one!)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How do you get to a deeper place with clients more quickly? How do you help a client resolve a sticky decision or situation when there don’t seem to be any good options? What do you do when a client says, “I just don’t know? What do you think I should do?”
VALUES Values are qualities of intrinsic worth Quality of life is determined by the extent to which we honor our own values “Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produces great deeds and thoughts.” - Allan Bloom (“Values” The Closing of the American Mind)
List of Values Accomplishment Adventure Authenticity Balance Beauty Collaboration Compassion Competition Connection Contribution Courage Creativity Dependability Excellence Fairness Happiness Health Inspiration Integrity Intimacy Intuition Justice Learning Legacy Loyalty Magic Nature Organization Partnership Patience Peace Personal Growth Planning Privacy Reflection Relationship Resilience Responsibility Risk-taking Romance Safety Security Self-expression Serenity Service Spirituality Trust Thoughtfulness Vitality Uniqueness
MOST COMMON MISTAKES Stepping over clients’ values Not making the connections or going back to revisit values Doing a typical Wheel of Life/Leadership exercise in the initial Discovery session and not taking clients deeper Not knowing what a powerful tool values are throughout the coaching process Not recognizing values in discontent and conflict
EXERCISE #1 Listen for and bring values into the coaching conversation 1. Using the Wheel of Values, discuss how each of the client’s top values is being honored. 2. What insights / awareness does this reveal? 3. How does alignment with each value create happiness?
Wheel of Values Fun/Joy Health/ Well-Being Learning Trust Respect Fun/Joy Health/ Well-Being Learning Trust Respect Family Communication Relationships
EXERCISE #2 Resolve conflict between competing values within yourself or with others Think of a situation that is causing concern, discontent or unhappiness. What are the underlying values that are being expressed through these feelings? What approach would best honor the values?
USING THE VALUES DECK WITH LEADERS Values Sort How do your top values show up in your leadership? How do your values help others flourish? Values Inquiry How do values contribute to high performance teamwork? What behaviors are associated with your values?
POWERFUL VALUES QUESTIONS Coaching questions for leaders who are frustrated or angry about something: What is not OK for you in this situation? What’s important to you that is not being heard or respected? What are you learning about yourself? What deeply held value(s) does this situation (and others like it) point to?
Ideas and Actions What new idea do you have about working with your leadership clients on values?
For information about the Values Deck: Call Margie at 540.635.4843 Or visit valuesdeck.com