ARMAFLEX Ultima SPECIAL FEF PRODUCTS Refrigeration ,Cooling and Air Conditioning
Armaflex Ultima tubes Incl. self-seal with tangential cut 9 mm 13 mm 19 mm 25 mm 09X012 13X012 09X015 13X015 19X015 09X018 13X018 19X018 25X018 09X022 13X022 19X022 25X022 09X028 13X028 19X028 25X028 09X035 13X035 19X035 25X035 09X042 13X042 19X042 25X042 09X048 13X048 19X048 25X048 09X054 13X054 19X054 25X054 09X060 13X060 19X060 25X060 09X064 13X064 19X064 25X064 09X076 13X076 19X076 25X076 09X089 13X089 19X089 25X089 Armaflex Ultima tubes Incl. self-seal with tangential cut Armafix pipehangers 13, 19 & 25 mm
Armaflex Ultima THE FIRST LOW SMOKE FLEXIBLE INSULATION FOR INCREASED PEOPLE SAFETY Increased safety through superior fire performance and reduced smoke density Manufactured with Armaprene, patented technology Reduces energy losses and minimizes CO₂ emissions First flexible closed-cell insulation with Euroclass BL,s1-d0 Reliable system solution with Armafix Ultima, tapes and adhesives
Armaflex Ultima - Technical Data Properties Standard Value Euroclass = reaction to fire for the technical insulation in buildings EN 13823 (SBI) and EN ISO 11925-2 VKF BL-s1,d0 (tubes) B-s2,d0 (sheets ) 5(200ºC).3 Max. service temperature EN 14706 EN 14707 +110°C Min. service temperature EN 14304 Clause 4.3.3 -50°C Thermal conductivity EN 12667 EN ISO 8497 λ ≤ 0,040 W/(m · K) at 0°C Water vapour diffusion resistance EN 12086 EN 13469 µ ≥ 7000 Spread of frame and rate of heat release (IMO=International Maritime Organization) IMO A.653(16) yes, IMO requirements fulfilled Smoke generation and toxicity Meet the technical fire requirements according to IMO Res.61(67),Annex 1, Part 2, section 2.6 ISO 5659-2(1994) conventional index of toxicity below the limit Lloyds and DNV (maritime approvals) product approved by Lloyds and DNV FM Approval FM FM approved
Armaflex Ultima - Fire Behaviour Practical fire behaviour Product does not melt Product remains stable during initial fire No dripping / dropping flaming droplets or particles Self-extinguishing No flame spread Low toxicity
Armaflex Ultima - Product Features Unique Euroclass for FEF (Flexible Elastomeric Foam) material Armaprene® Patented Technology material formula (recipe) Closed cell structure Safe insulation during the first critical minutes of fire Very good material properties, easy to cut, easy to install Matching Ultima Adhesives in blue colour Alternative to traditional non-combustible materials Environmentally friendly and sustainable product Fibre dust free product Wide dimensional range: Thickness up to 25 mm Self-seal tubes Self-adhesive sheets Tape
Armaflex Ultima Sheets Incl. self-adhesive Endless 1.0 m width Tape 3 mm x 50 mm x 15 m Sheets Sheets self-adhesive 6 mm 9 mm 13 mm 19 mm 25 mm
Full range / no competition
Adhesives for Armaflex Ultima Armaflex Ultima SF990 Adhesive top of the line, water-based, high-tech adhesive SF990 is completely solvent-free, no VOC future oriented, trully environment-friendly adhesive no smell or emissions ideal for closed, confined spaces or for Green Buildings for medium temperatures between -50°C up to +110°C Armaflex Ultima 700 Adhesive new generation, solvent-based high performance adhesive specially engineered for Armaflex Ultima for medium temperatures between -50°C up to +110°C Armaflex Ultima RS850 Adhesive high performance solvent-reduced adhesive thixotropic, high viscoscity gel doesn‘t drip doesn‘t evaporate when left open (until stirred) for comfortable, more precise application with standard tools for medium temperatures between -50°C up to +70°C
Strong Environmental Positioning no brominated fire retardants no PVC no SCCP or MCCP (short-chain or medium-chain chlorinated parafins) self-adhesive products low VOC emission solvent-free SF 990 adhesive
NH/ARMAFLEX SPECIAL FEF PRODUCTS Refrigeration, Cooling, Air Conditioning
NH/Armaflex HALOGEN-FREE INSULATION TO REDUCE CORROSIVE EFFECTS AND SMOKE TOXICITY IN CASE OF FIRE Halogen-free • Low amounts of smoke and acid gas in a fire • Reduces toxicity and corrosive effects on people and equipment • Prevents from stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel
NH/ARMAFLEX TECHNICAL PARAMETERS : Temperature Range : -50°C a +110°C (+85°C) Thermal Conductivity λ(0°c) 0,040 W/(m·K) Difussion resistance coefficient m ≥ 2000 Reaction to Fire Class DL-s3, d0 Tubes D-s3, d0 Sheets
NH/ARMAFLEX Product Range Tubes Incl. self-seal with tangential cut Armafix NH pipehangers 13, 19 & 25 mm 9 mm 13 mm 19 mm 25 mm 09X010 13X010 09X012 13X012 09X015 13X015 19X015 09X018 13X018 19X018 09X022 13X022 19X022 25X022 09X028 13X028 19X028 25X028 09X035 13X035 19X035 25X035 09X042 13X042 19X042 25X042 09X048 13X048 19X048 25X048 09X054 13X054 19X054 25X054 09X060 13X060 19X060 25X060 09X064 13X064 19X064 25X064 09X076 13X076 19X076 25X076 09X089 13X089 19X089 25X089
NH/ARMAFLEX Product Range Sheets Incl. Self adhesive Endless 1.0 m width Tape NH/Armaflex 3 mm x 50 mm x 15 m Sheets Sheets self-adhesive 6 mm 10 mm 13 mm 19 mm 25 mm 32 mm
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