Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -– Welcome (Nov. 16, 2009; Library, Natick MA) Who are we? What is FOSS - and who cares? What's it like? Use it on my OS? Add Linux? Share Linux? Who can help me? What next?
Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -– Who are we? - Programmers, Advanced computer users, Casual users, Beginners (pick one) - Do you use Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, other? (as many as apply)
Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -– What is FOSS - and who cares? - Free, Open-Source Software - If it runs in Linux, it's FLOSS. - Free to use, free to modify - Less cost, less restrictive, less virus
Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -- What's it like? Of thousands, let's consider: - Firefox to browse the web (firefox.com) - Thunderbird (mozillamessaging.com) - Open Office (openoffice.org) - The GIMP for image manipulation (gimp.org) - GRAMPS for family history (gramps.project.org)
Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -- How can I use it? - Much FOSS runs on Windows and Macintosh. - Or, switch to Linux, a full FOSS system that includes hundreds of FOSS apps and has online libraries with thousands more. - Or, have your computer run its OS and Linux!
Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -- Who can help me? - MMS (when it's worth the cost) - Online (linuxtoday.org, freshmeat.org) - Boston Linux-Unix User Group (blu.org) - BLU InstallFest (MIT, 10-5 Dec. 5th, 2009) - Start local meetings?
Dick and Jill Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services (millermicro.com) in Natick, Massachusetts present: -- Free Software That Works -- What next? - Sign up for more FOSS announcements. - Download this FOSS.ppt file (made with OO.o Impress). - Download and use FOSS programs, Linux (ubuntu.com). - Ask Library to sponsor more FOSS events!