THE EV A fully electric vehicle or EV is one that runs completely on rechargeable batteries, where the battery power replaces traditional gas power. Some EV only brands gaining popularity are Tesla and Fisker, with the global adoption of this more eco friendly option on the rise. Credited name brands such as BMW, Audi, Honda, and Nissan are also releasing new models with this fully electric option. Chevy Volt under the skin
Seeing that EV’s can only run if they are charged, the need or even possibility to stop at a GAS station to fuel up disappears. New electric charging stations are popping up all over the country so EV owners are able to travel and fill up their charge just as they would a gas- powered vehicle USA TESLA CHARGING STATION MAP ELECTRIC GAS
As some vehicles may take longer than others to fill up, Tesla is one company with many varying options. The rate of charge on a battery is different for different wall outlets. A Tesla model S charging connected to a standard 110V/12A three-prong wall outlet is given a whopping 3 miles of range per charging hour. But from a supercharger Tesla charging station, a Model S can get a 170-mile range charge in just under 30 minutes. Tesla Supercharger charging station Tesla charging adapter MANUAL CHARGE
The electric car may look to be the future of efficiency and saving the worlds repository of fossil fuels, but how on earth could it possibly get easier? This is a question HEVO Power has set to answer using conduction energy transfer charging for electric vehicles. Simply put, it is wireless energy transfer charging. CONDUCTION FUNCTION HEVO Power concept
HEVO’s way of charging an EV is very simple, where you park your car over the wireless source which looks like a man hole cover. The only components necessary for the consumer are the receiver attached under your EV and the app where your phone does the rest of the work. The app even has parking assistance to ensure optimal parking for the most efficient charge. HEVO Power receiver (attached to vehicle) HEVO POWER HEVO mobile app
Although the charging power is at a meager Level 2 power output of 240V/ 24A and gives a 17-mile range per charging hour, the technology has much room to advance in the future. To give a perspective, that power is similar to the output necessary for running a washing machine. HEVO wireless source Level 2 HEVO conduction energy output WIRELESS WORKS HEVO parking spaces in NYC
With companies like HEVO Power that are using modern day technological advances and common physics like conduction energy transfer, I have learned the future is looking to be a much more efficient place. See for yourself… HEVO IN ACTION Click link to play >
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