May 2005IVOA Kyoto1 Astronomical Data Query Language(ADQL) William OMullane Johns Hopkins University T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY.


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Presentation transcript:

May 2005IVOA Kyoto1 Astronomical Data Query Language(ADQL) William OMullane Johns Hopkins University T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

May 2005IVOA Kyoto2 ADQL0.9 Failed to get through PR phase after PUNE Main complaint lack of implementations

May 2005IVOA Kyoto3 ADQL–Proposed Recommendation Now have Implementations from –NVO – –JVO – –Astrogrid ? Shall we try again for PR ?

May 2005IVOA Kyoto4 ADQL0.91 New BNF based on ANTLR (Rather than Visual parse) New (Space Time Coordinates Added) STC added –Get it on Twiki!

May 2005IVOA Kyoto5 OpenSkyNode William OMullane Johns Hopkins University T HE US N ATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

May 2005IVOA Kyoto6 Open Sky Query –Released at AAS january v1_0_9 –Innovative query builder –Xmatch on small areas –ADQL0.7.4 ( has 0.9) –Includes RunId –Uses

May 2005IVOA Kyoto7 OpenSkyNode Architecture Users SkyQuery Portal Uses Registry and full SkyNodes. May use Services at any level SKYQLADQL VO VORegistry Queryable Archives ExecPlan FULLFULL SkyNode register lookup BASICBASIC

May 2005IVOA Kyoto8 OpenSkyNode 0.9 Update from to come in line with ADQL0.91 Reflect changes made to release OpenSkyQuery Address defects in MetaData –PrimaryKey in table info –Relationships, (Table,ForeignKey) –Column request (get info on single column) Get it on the twiki!

May 2005IVOA Kyoto9 Efforts – NVO (USA) NVO (USA) –Many testers –Tannu Malik, Tamas Budavari (Original prototype –Nolan Li – Main development.NET –Ramon Williamson (Java BasicSkyNode) (Summerschool zip) –Tom McGlynn (FullSkyNode based on above) in CVS + portal –Tom & Ray Plante Java parser for ADQL

May 2005IVOA Kyoto10 Efforts International ESA/ESAC Spain –Inaki Ortiz, Pedro Osuna,- Java SkyNode JVO, Japan –Yuji Shirisaka –Portal and SkyNodes IVO, India –Jayant Gupchup – nodes possible portal Others..

May 2005IVOA Kyoto11 Skynode0.9 Proposed Recommendation?