Electric Vehicles in New Zealand: from Passenger to Driver? Dr. Allan Miller, Scott Lemon
New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Emissions Greenhouse gas emissions by sector and vehicle type in New Zealand Tonnes of greenhouse gases emitted by New Zealand in million
New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Emissions Greenhouse gas emissions by sector and vehicle type in New Zealand
New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Emissions Greenhouse gas emissions by sector and vehicle type in New Zealand
MarketPolicy Environment 12 3
1.1 New Zealand Vehicle Fleet Passenger car ownership per 1000 people for OECD countries Highest rate of passenger car ownership in the OECD 5 th Passenger cars per 1000 people in New Zealand 600 Light passenger vehicles registered in New Zealand 2.6 million
1.2 New Zealand Vehicle Fleet Age distribution of passenger vehicles in the New Zealand fleet Average age of a light passenger vehicle in New Zealand 13 years
1.3 Consumer Demand for Electric Vehicles ---
1.4 Cost Analysis Cumulative cost of owning a petrol, diesel, hybrid and electric vehicle from 2012
1.4 Cost Analysis Cumulative cost of owning an electric vs. petrol vehicle with off-peak charging
Policy and Regulation
3.1 Policy and Regulation Breakdown of measures available to governments for stimulating EV adoption OrganisationalEconomicSuasiveRegulatory Sales tax Subsidies Bonus/malus Scrappage Annual tax Fuel taxation Education Standards & guidelines Emission targets Vehicle standards Infrastructure Usage incentives Free parking HOV lane use Measures
3.2.1 Economic Measures – Tax Reduction Global overview of countries implementing tax reduction measures for EVs Australia Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Portugal South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States
3.2.2 Economic Measures - Subsidies Global overview of countries implementing direct subsidy measures for EVs Canada China Finland India Ireland Japan Luxembourg South Korea Spain United Kingdom
3.3 Electric Vehicle Incentives in New Zealand Viable short-term measures for encouraging EV uptake Short-term ( ) Mid-term ( ) Long-term (2020-) Suasive/regulatory measures Increase consumer awareness about importance of fuel economy Tighten fuel economy standards on imported vehicles
3.3 Electric Vehicle Incentives in New Zealand Viable medium-term measures for encouraging EV uptake Short-term ( ) Mid-term ( ) Long-term (2020-) Organisational measures Installation of charging stations Requirement for new homes and car parks to include provision for EVs
3.3 Electric Vehicle Incentives in New Zealand Viable long-term measures for encouraging EV uptake Short-term ( ) Mid-term ( ) Long-term (2020-) Economic measures Scrappage schemes and decreased taxes/vehicle charges Aim to increase fleet turnover rate and speed the transition to a greener transportation system
3.1 Light Passenger Vehicle GHG Emissions Amount of GHG emitted by average light passenger vehicles around the world Of CO 2 e gas emitted by an average passenger vehicle in New Zealand annually 2.5 tonnes
3.2 Average Grid GHG Emissions Amount of GHG emitted per unit of residential electricity consumed Of CO 2 e gas emitted per kWh of electricity used by households in New Zealand 142 grams Renewable energy powering the New Zealand grid in %
3.3 Average Vehicle Emissions Greenhouse gas emissions for electric and average fleet vehicles by country
3.4 New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Emissions Greenhouse gas emissions by sector and vehicle type in New Zealand
Market New Zealand’s fleet is old, inefficient and in need of change EVs are currently too expensive, and the pay-back period too long despite lower operational costs
Policy Tax reductions and price subsidies are widely used worldwide but are too expensive to justify in New Zealand The short-term focus should be on improving fuel economy regulations and educating consumers
Environment EVs can achieve considerable GHG emission reductions in a green power system like New Zealand’s Greatest short-term impact of a transition to EVs will be a decrease in local air pollution and a resulting improvement in public health