MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ MICROCONTROLERE - Calculator pe un cip deoarece el conţine pe lângă CPU şi memorie şi interfeţe de intrare ieşire - Cele mai populare microcontrolere sunt 8051 produs prima data de firma Intel şi 68HC11 a firmei Motorola.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ The 8051 An 8-bit Microcontroller optimized for control applications. A Microcontroller derivative family based on the 8051 core. A Microcontroller because you can make a one-chip system with the one chip containing: Program & Data Memory I/O Ports Serial Communication Counters/Timers Interrupt Control logic A-to-D and D-to-A convertors & so on...
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Features of the Bit data path and ALU. - Easy interfacing to 30 MHz versions available. ( 1 µsec to 400 ns for single cycle instructions). - Full instruction set including: Multiply and Divide. Bit set, reset, and test (Boolean instructions). - Variety of addressing modes.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Features of the 8051 (cont'd) - 4K X 8 ROM - Program memory x 8 RAM - Data memory. - Special function registers. - Serial I/O port I/O lines. - Two 16-bit counter/timers.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ C51 Block Diagram Interrupt Control External Interrupts CPU OSC Timer 1 Timer 0 Serial Port I/O Ports Bus Control Counter Inputs P0P3P1 4k byte ROM 128 byte RAM P2 (Address/Data) TXDRXD
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Addressing Space - 64K X 8 ROM - Program memory. - 64K x 8 RAM - External data memory x 8 RAM - Internal data memory x 8 Special function registers (SFRs). - Bit addressing of 16 RAM locations and 16 SFRs.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Memoria Microcontrolerul 8051 are următoarele tipuri de memorie: -memoria internă (On-Chip Memory) -memoria externă de program (External Code Memory) -memoria externă de date (External RAM)
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Program Memory - 64K byte address space each for Program & Data. - EA pin disables internal ROM and activates external program memory and addressing.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Memoria de date -128 bytes RAM intern -64 Kbytes adresabil extern Internă Externă 00 FFH FFFFH
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Internal Data Memory bytes of RAM. - Directly addressable range: 00 to 7F hexadecimal. - Indirectly addressable range: 00 to FF hexadecimal. - Bit addressable space: 20 to 2F hexadecimal. - Four register banks: 00 to 1F hexadecimal.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ External Data Memory - 64K byte address space. - Indirectly addressable via R0 and R1 in 256 byte segments. - Entire space is indirectly addressable via the data pointer DPTR.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ External Bus Expansion 8051 PORT 2 PORT 0 ALE P3.7 P3.6 PSEN A15 - A8: High byte of address AD7 - AD0: Data and low byte address ALE: Address latch enable RD: Read strobe WR: Write strobe PSEN: Program store enable
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Timing State 1State 2State 3State 4State 5State 6State 1State 2 XTAL2 ALE _____ PSEN P0 P2 Data sampled PCL out Data sampled PCL out Data sampled PCH out P1P2P1P2P1P2P1P2P1P2P1P2P1P2P1P2
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ External Data Memory · 64K byte adress space. · Indirectly addressable via R0 and R1 in 256 byte segments. · Entire space in indirectly addressable via the data pointer DPTR PORT 2 ALE PORT 0 WR RD RAM(S) or I/O CE DATA OUTPUTS ADDRESS INPUTS R/W OE ADDRESS LATCH DECODE
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Reset · RST pin is Schmitt trigger input. · External reset is asychronous to the internal clock. · RST pin must be high for at least two machine cycles while the oscillator is running. · Internal RAM not affected by reset, but indeterminate on power up. · Port pins in random state until oscillator starts and algorithm write 1's to them. · Reset sets PC to · Typical circuits: 8051 RST +5V 8.2K 10uF 80C51 RST +5V 2.2uF
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Special Function Register Space byte address space, directly addressable as 80 to FF hex addresses are bit addressable: Set, Clear, AND, OR, MOV (those ending in 0 or 8). - This space contains: Special purpose CPU registers. I/O control registers. I/O ports.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Special Function Register Map Bit Addressable
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Special Function Registers CPU registers: - ACC: Accumulator. - B: B register. - PSW: Program Status Word. - SP: Stack Pointer. - DPTR: Data Pointer (DPH, DPL). Interrupt control: -IE: Interrupt Enable. -IP: Interrupt Priority. I/O Ports: - P0: Port 0. - P1: Port 1. - P2: Port 2. - P3: Port 3.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Special Function Registers (cont'd) TImers: - TMOD: Timer mode. - TCON: Timer control. - TH0: Timer 0 high byte. - TL0: Timer 0 low byte. - TH1: Timer 1 high byte. - TL1: Timer 1 low byte. Serial I/O: - SCON: Serial port control. - SBUF: Serial data registers. Other: - PCON: Power control & misc.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ PSW : Program Status Word CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV ---- P - CY: Carry Flag. - AC: Auxiliary Carry Flag. - F0: Flag 0 (available for user). - RS1: Register Select 1. - RS0: Register Select 0. - OV: Arithmetic Overflow Flag. - P: Accumulator Parity Flag. RS1 RSO Register BankAddress 00000h - 07h 01108h - 0Fh 10210h - 17h 11318h - 1Fh
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ I/O Ports - Four 8-bit I/O ports. - Most have alternate functions. - Quasi-bidirectional: Soft pull-up when port latch contains a 1. Can be used as inputs (30Kohm average pullup). Strong pull-up for 2 CPU cycles during 0 to 1 transitions.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Port 0 - As an I/O port: No strong pull-up, outputs act as open drain. - As a multiplexed data bus: Tristate bus with strong pull-ups. 8-bit instruction bus, strobed by PSEN. Low byte of address bus, strobed by ALE. 8-bit data bus, strobed by WR and RD mA outputs (about 8 LSTTL loads).
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Port 1 As an I/O port: Standard quasi-bidirectional. - Alternate functions: Only on some derivatives mA outputs (about 4 LSTTL loads).
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Port 2 - As an I/O port: Standard quasi-bidirectional. - Alternate functions: High byte of address bus for external program and data memory accesses mA outputs (about 4 LSTTL loads).
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Port 3 - As an I/O port: Standard quasi-bidirectional. - Alternate functions: Serial I/O- TXD, RXD Timer clocks- T0, T1 Interrupts- INT0, INT1 Data memory- RD, WR mA outputs (about 4 LSTTL loads).
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Counter / Timers - Two 16-bit Counter/Timers: Up counters, can interrupt on overflow. - Counts: CPU cycles (crystal/12). External input (max. half CPU rate). - Four Operation Modes.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Timer Modes - Timer Mode 0 : Emulates 8048 counter/timer (13-bits). 8-bit counter (TL0 or TL1). 5-bit prescaler (TH0 or TH1). - Timer Mode 1 : Simple 16-bit counter. - Timer Mode 2 : 8-bit auto-reload. Counter in TL0 or TL1. Reload value in TH0 or TH1. Provides a periodic flag or interrupt.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Timer Modes (cont'd) - Timer Mode 3 : Splits timer 0 into two 8-bit counter/timers. First counter (TLO) acts like mode 0, without prescaler. Second counter (TH0): Counts CPU cycles. Uses TR1 (timer 1 run bit) as enable. Uses TF1 (timer 1 overflow bit) as flag. Uses Timer 1 interrupt. Timer 1 (when timer 0 is in mode 3 ): Counter stopped if in mode 3. Running in mode 0, 1, or 2. Has gate (INT1) and external input (T1), but no flag or interrupt. May be used as a baud rate generator.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Counter/Timer in 16-bit (Mode 1) The Gate input controls whether the Counter runs while gated by the interrupt signal or not.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ TMOD : Counter/Timer Mode Register GATEC/TM1M0GATEC/TM1M0 Timer 1Timer 0 - GATE : Permits INTx pin to enable/disable counter. - C/T : Set for counter operation, reset for timer operation. - M1, M0 : 00 : Emulate 8048 counter/timer (13-bits). 01 :16-bit counter/timer. 10 : 8-bit auto-reload mode 11 :Timer 0 = two 8-bit timers. Timer 1 Counting disabled. Timing function allowed. Can be used as Baud Rate generator.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ TCON : Counter/Timer Control Register - TF1, TF0 : Overflow flags for Timer 1 and Timer 0. - TR1, TR0 : Run control bits for Timer 1 and Timer 0.Set to run, reset to hold. - IE1, IE0 : Edge flag for external interrupts 1 and 0. * Set by interrupt edge, cleared when interrupt is processed. - IT1, IT0 : Type bit for external interrupts. * Set for falling edge interrupts, reset for 0 level interrupts. * = not related to counter/timer operation. TF1TR1TF0TR0IE1IT1IE0IT0
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Serial Interface - Full duplex UART. - Four modes of operation: Synchronous serial I/O expansion. Asynchronous serial I/O with variable baud rate. Nine bit mode with variable baud rate. Nine bit mode with fixed baud rate or 11 bit frames. - Interrupt driven or polled operation. - Registers: SCON- Serial port control register. SBUF- Read received data. - Write data to be transmitted. PCON- SMOD bit.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Serial Interface Modes of Operation TXD and RXD are the serial output and input pins (Port 3, bits 1 and 0). Mode 0: Shift Register Mode. Serial data is transmitted/received on RXD. TXD outputs shift clock. Baud Rate is 1/12 of clock frequency. Mode 1: 10-bits transmitted or received. Start (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (1). Baud Rate Clock is variable using Timer 1 overflow or external count input. Can go up to 104.2KHz (20MHz osc.). Mode 2: 11-bits transmitted or received. Start (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), programmable 9th bit, and stop bit (1). Baud Rate programmable to either 1/32 or 1/64 oscillator frequency (625KHz for 20MHz osc.). Mode 3: 11-bit mode. Baud Rate variable using Timer 1 overflow or external input KHz max. (20 MHz osc.).
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Multi-Drop Communication Serial Communication Modes 2 and 3 allow one "Master" 8051 to control several "Slaves": The serial port can be programmed to generate an interrupt if the 9th data bit = 1. The TXD outputs of the slaves are tied together and to the RXD input of the master. The RXD inputs of the slaves are tied together and to the TXD ouput of the master. Each slave is assigned an address. Address bytes transmitted by the master have the 9th bit = 1. When the master transmits an address byte, all the slaves are interrupted. The slaves then check to see if they are being addressed or not. The Addressed slave can then carry out the master's commands.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ SCON : Serial Control Register - SM0, SM1 = Serial Mode: 00 = Mode 0 : Shift register I/O expansion. 01 = Mode 1 : 8-bit UART with variable baud rate. 10 = Mode 2 : 9-bit UART with fixed baud rate. 11 = Mode 3 : 9-bit UART with variable baud rate. - SM2 : Mode 0 : Not used. Mode 1: 1 = Ignore bytes with no stop bit. Mode 2,3: 0 = Set receive interrupt (RI) on all bytes. : 1 = Set RI on bytes where bit 9 = 1. - REN = Enables receiver. - TB8 = Ninth bit transmitted (in modes 2 and 3). - RB8 = Ninth bit received: Mode 0: Not used. Mode 1: Stop bit. Mode 2,3: Ninth data bit. - TI = Transmit interrupt flag. - RI = Receive interrupt flag. SMOSM1SM2RENTB8 RB8 TI RI
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Interrupt System - 5 Interrupt Sources (in order of priority): External Interrupt 0. Timer 0. External Interrupt 1. Timer 1. Serial Port. - Each interrupt type has a separate vector address. - Each interrupt type can be programmed to one of two priority levels. - External interrupts can be programmed for edge or level sensitivity.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ IE : Interrupt Enable Register - EA: Global interrupt enable. - ES: Serial interface. - ET1: Timer 1. - EX1: External interrupt 1. - ET0: Timer 0. - EX0: External interrupt = Disabled. - 1 = Enabled. EA ES ET1EX1ET0 EX0
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Interrupt Vector Addresses Source Address IE003H TF00BH IE113H TF11BH RI&TI23H The 8051 starts execution at 0000H after Reset.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ IP: Interrupt Priority Register - PS: Serial interface. - PT1: Timer 1. - PX1: External interrupt 1. - PT0: Timer 0. - PX0: External interrupt = Low priority. - 1 = High priority PSPT1PX1PT0PX0
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ C51(CMOS) vs. 8051(NMOS) ·Controlled Power Reduction ·Idle State ·Power down state ·Power savings in CMOS ports · General purpose software flags · Higher speed versions in 80C51 (up to 30MHz) · Static versions in development
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ PCON : Power Control Register - POWER DOWN OPERATION Setting PD bit stops oscillator. RAM contents are saved. Exit via Reset. Some (newer) 80C51 derivatives allow Power-Down wakeup via Interrupt. SMOD GF1GF0PDIDL
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ PCON : Power Control Register - IDLE MODE OPERATION Setting IDL gates clocks off, leaves oscillator running. All register and RAM contents are saved. Interrupt sources remain active: Serial interface. External interrupts. Timers. Exit with any enabled interrupt or Reset. - GF0, GF1 are general purpose software flags. - SMOD serial interface control bit. Doubles baud rate in modes 1,2, and 3. - Only SMOD available on NMOS parts.
MICROCONTROLERUL ONIGA ŞTEFAN Curs 1999/ Power Consumption Example : for 80C51 at Vcc = 5V. Mode / Freq.0.5 MHz16 MHz Operating2.2 mA20.5 mA Idle0.9 mA5.0 mA Power Down50 uA50 uA