CMS Week, CERN, 06-10 December 2004 09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Report from Module Bonding Working Group Meeting Salvatore.


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Presentation transcript:

CMS Week, CERN, December Dec 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Report from Module Bonding Working Group Meeting Salvatore Costa Università di Catania and INFN – Sezione di Catania

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production2 Salvatore Costa - Catania Outline 1.Global info on production bonding of the Modules 2.Global review of Module bonding quality indicators 3.Current open issues 4.Selected highlights from individual Center reports

CMS Week, CERN, December Dec 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Global info on production bonding

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production4 Salvatore Costa - Catania Production Summary N. of Modules bonded (assembled after 01Dec2003) TIB1420 TID2 TOB547 TEC921 Total2890

CMS Week, CERN, December Dec 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Global review of Module bonding quality

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production6 Salvatore Costa - Catania # Modules Pull Tested Center PA TA PA-SenSen-Sen Bari n/a Catania51 n/a Firenze17 9 n/a Padova18 99 n/a Pisa25 57 n/a Torino16453 n/a Fermilab Santa-Barbara Aachen3741 Hamburg6950n/a Karlsruhe020n/a Strasbourg2065 Vienna76125n/a Zurich2 49 n/a

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production7 Salvatore Costa - Catania Pull Test Results 5g Not angle-corrected yet! Average forces (g) BA CT FI PD PI TO FL FL SB SB AA AA HA KA ST ST VI ZH. ss ss ss ss

CMS Week, CERN, December Dec 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Current open issues

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production9 Salvatore Costa - Catania Tool change intervals Original recommendation in Bonding Spec doc –change tool every 40,000 bonds –can go up to 100,000 provided bond foot is inspected regularly can be revised because of improved tool technology Document [in progress], based on info gathered by Alan, is posted on bonding web site  “Tool care & change” 40,000 becomes recommended interval for tool cleaning, interval for change becomes tool- manufacturer-dependent

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production10 Salvatore Costa - Catania Jigs for TEC module bonding TEC Center Module types to bond (# Mod) Who made jigs (# jigs) Backup center for these Module types Who makes additional jigs (# jigs) AachenR6Aachen (1)R3,R5p,R5sAachen (2) HamburgR1p,R1s, R3Hamburg (2/2/2)R7Hamburg (2) KarlsruheR5p,R5 StrasbourgR7 ViennaR2p,R2sVienna (1)Not decided yet ZurichR4 (1100)Karl./Zurich (2)R6Karl./Zurich (1+1) With squeezed-down time for production, the TEC community is taking steps to gain the ability to bond each given type of module in more than one TEC bonding Center. This in order to have a backup ready in case of failure or overload at any particular Center. This mainly means having duplicate jigs available at each Center. As coordinator of the Bonding WG, I was requested to look after the actual execution of the extra jigs construction. following Table During the Bonding Meeting we filled (partially, for lack of representatives from 2 Centers) the following Table, which summarizes the status of this task. We hope the table can be completed by the next Bonding WG Meeting.

CMS Week, CERN, December Dec 2004CMS Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Selected highlights from individual Center Reports

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production12 Salvatore Costa - Catania TEC centers Aachen: Had some problems reading a few of the recently bonded modules. It turned out that the first PA-Sen bias bond was too close to the last readout bond, thus shorting to it. Corrected by changing program for bias bonds. Vienna: They have bought a new (used) Delvotec 6400 to speed up production. It should arrive before Christmas. Zurich: Has bonded and ARCS tested 357 modules in Lately they bonded 9 R6, 12 R4 alignment modules and 2 R7 hybrids. The first R7 hybrid was bonded with standard tool which yielded rather large bond feet. Because of that there were 3 shorts. Then they got a smaller tool from Alan. With it the bond feet were smaller than the pads and the electric test was OK.

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production13 Salvatore Costa - Catania TIB centers Catania: Suffered Hughes machine failure ~2 months ago. For a while tried over and over to fix it by ourselves to save money, given the current stop in the flow of incoming modules, but could not get machine back to normal behavior. So we had to get service from Palomar Technologies (5 k€), which fixed and tuned mechanical parts, and from an electronic technician at the Catania Phys. Dept., who replaced degraded or failed electronics components. After this fixing, bonded 13 modules with excellent bond foot quality and good pull test results [not yet in DB]: g, all First Bond Heel Breaks. Still ~30 modules awaiting bonding. Firenze: After fixing their Delvotec (reported at last Meeting) has resumed bonding and currently only 5 modules are yet to be bonded. Complained again that the filter capacitor gold bond pad is often difficult to bond on due to poor substrate quality. Perhaps we should convey this complaint to the Company producing the kapton circuit.

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production14 Salvatore Costa - Catania TIB centers Pisa: Reported early experience with bonding of the very first TID modules: 2 Ring1 Modules: –Variable strip pitch requires careful bonder programming –Single bonding jig [supplied by Torino] can be used for all Module types [phi, stereo right, stereo left] of the same ring by just moving a positioning pin [pictures  ] –Experience: Good planarity and vacuum sealing. Good mechanical stability of Module+Carrier+Mask+Bonding Jig [pictures  ] during bonding procedure. –6 TID modules have been built R1R2R3 1 BA 1 PG bonded

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production15 Salvatore Costa - Catania TID R1 Bonding Jig [Torino] Bonding Jig +Carrier + Adaptable Mask Adjustable positioning pin Assembled Module… …on jig [Pictures by A.Profeti, Pisa]

09 Dec 2004CMS Week - Module Production16 Salvatore Costa - Catania TOB centers Santa Barbara: 1.Hybrid bonding: –28 TOB 6-chip –76 TOB 4-chip 2.Module bonding: modules bonded: –6 TEC R7 –18 TEC R5 stereo (10 of which got every 50 th bond pull-tested) –1 TOB 6 chip –1 TOB 4 chip wrote programs for –TEC R7 modules –TOB 4 chip modules (HPK sensors) –TOB 6 chip modules (HPK sensors) Encountered problem with using the pattern recognition software on the HPK sensors. In the center of the sensor they use the channel number as fiducial, but the numbers on the HPK sensors are too small to be picked up by the pattern recognition software of the bonder, so they have to align the reference system on the sensors manually, this adds about 2 minutes to the bonding time per module. Note: they had asked HPK in fall to add fiducial marks to the center of the sensors, but that apparently never happened.