GRADE 8 CHAPTER 3-1 Roosevelt and Progressivism
Progressivism A movement in the United States that sought to improve the living standards and correct wrongs in American society. Some progressive movements are still going on today. Civil Rights Universal Health Care Gender Equality
Asylum A term for a mental institution or hospital. Asylum means safe haven. Many asylums were nightmarish places for “patients.” Subjected to cruel punishments. More of punishments than places for healing.
Patent for restraint chair Straight Jackets Treatment for the Mentally Ill 1800s
Muckrakers Journalists, writers, authors, cartoonists and photographers who tried to exopose the problems in American society. A result of all of the problems from the last chapter. Caused public outrage and sparked reform in many different areas.
Jacob Riis Photographer Exposed the abuse of children and the poor. Worked throughout the country, but mainly with immigrant communities in New York. Why would pictures be more effective than words?
Jacob Riis Photos
Thomas Nast Political Cartoonist Political Cartoonists are still alive and well today. Shows some depth of thought and humor.
Social Economic Thomas Nast
Patronage Jobs handed out for political gain or money. Still occurs today, but much less. Pendleton Civil Service Act LAWS MAKING CHANGES!
Sherman Antitrust Act Passed by Theodore Roosevelt Dissolved Railroads, Standard Oil and Tobacco Trusts. Changing the problems from the last chapter. Businesses need to be regulated for the public good.
Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President after the Death of William McKinley. McKinley is assassinated by an anarchist. Shot in the stomach. He dies shortly after.
Upton Sinclair Muckraker Exposed the nastiness of the Chicago Meat packing industry in his book “The Jungle.” Spurred the government to improve standards. Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act RESULTS!
Gloves? Refrigeration? Meat Factory Conditions
Conservation Find this place in out classroom. “Wilderness is the preservation of the world.” – Theodore Roosevelt Worked to establish places for wildlife. $15,000 to save the buffalo in Yellowstone national park. At the end of his presidency 194,000,000 acres of preserved forests.
Grand Canyon National Park
Crater Lake
John Muir Woods