Challenges & opportunities in the preservation of (digital) information: the case of European research libraries Museo de las Ciencias Teatro de UNIVERSUM November 6th- 8th, 2013 Susan Reilly Projects Manager LIBER: Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de
Contents About LIBER Drivers for (digital) preservation in research libraries Challenges & opportunities
LIBER: reinventing the library of the future Largest network of European reseach libraries: 450 in over 40 countries Mission: To provide an information infrastructure to enable research in LIBER institutions to be world class
Advocacy LIBER Projects Reshaping The research library Scholarly Communication & Research Infrastructure
Activities impacting preservation in research libraries We know that… 1.Libraries are engaging in mass digitisation projects 2.Deposit of born digital content being legislated for 3.Some are collecting born digital (Websites, e-journal etc) anyway 4.Responsible for institutional repositories 5.Developing role in research data management
Driver 1: scholarship is changing… Collaborative Interdisciplinary Change in information seeking behaviour (Google Generation) Culture of ‘openness’
but preservation is still essential “one thing about scholarship will never change: scholars will demand access to information resources to examine what others have discovered and thought; to use and reuse evidence and scientific conclusions; and to publish results of their own research based on these resources. That is why their sources must be authentic, reliable, easy to find and retrieve, and easy to use and reuse” Paul N. Courant (2008) No brief candle,
No. 1 benefit of digital preservation to organisations* “Increased use of content as a result of better findability and availability” *From APARSEN WP36 survey of libraries (Sep212)
No. 2 benefit to organisations “Ensure the integrity of research results”
Driver 2: ensure our investment All European cultural heritage available online by 2025 (Neelie Kroes) All public domain masterpieces available in Europeana(Digital Agenda) Cost= 10 billion per year over the next 10 years (Collections Trust)
Challenge 1= types of information Scholarly discourse Digital cultural heritage Research data Dynamic Web content
Publications with data Processed Data and Data Representations Data Collections and Structured Databases Raw Data and Data Sets (1) Data contained and explained within the article (2) Further data explanations in any kind of supplementary files to articles (3) Data referenced from the article and held in data centers and repositories (4) Data publications, describing available datasets (5) Data in drawers and on disks at the institute The Data Publication Pyramid How do we preserve this?
Newspapers Complex format Large files Richness of metadata
Challenge 2= sustainability Recognition of the benefits of digital preservation by key decision-makers Incentives for the decision-makers to act in the public interest A process for selecting digital materials for long-term preservation Mechanisms to secure an on-going, efficient allocation of resources (e.g. skills) to digital preservation activities Appropriate governance of digital preservation activities
Selection Seems to indicate there is no selection process/set of critieria
Resource allocation Lack of human resources/skills Incomplete cost models Business models may not meet short term needs Open to new revenue streams and shared services
Governance 57% of organisations have incorporated DP in strategy 49% in mission and vision ? But 89% rate DP as important?!
Opportunity 1= collaboration Common Vision Shared Infrastructure Shared Services Business Cases
Shared Infrastructure: Europeana Cloud Common storage infrastructure for metadata and content Increase accessibility of content Develop common standards Facilitate the development of tools
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