Introduction The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) was organized to help coordinate sit-ins, freedom rides, and many other civil rights events. It was organized in 1960 at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Introduction Conti It started in the mid1960’s and ended in the mid 1970’s Ella Baker organized the first meeting which led to the formation of the SNCC. It consisted of college students Also in the SNCC was Martin Luther King Jr.
The Beginning Marion Barry was the first chairmen of the SNCC. In 1961 it became involved in the “Freedom Rides” which set out to bring together buses. In 1964, it participated in the “Mississippi Freedom Summer” which was voter registration drive.
“BLACK POWER” This term was related with racial pride, black unity, self-defense, and political and economic power. During this demonstration Carmichael began to use the term publically. Although King opposed the usage of the term, the slogan caught on quickly during the march.
“BLACK POWER” The SNCC was influenced by Christian principles, black and white activists Some members began to challenge these views. In the mid-1960s, it was plagued by ideological debates and became influenced by Marxism and Black Nationalism.
“BLACK POWER” In 1966, Stokely Carmichael, who was the new chairmen began to move the SNCC away from passivism and more toward militancy and Black Nationalism. The Mississippi March Against Fear was the first public signs of this. During this the SNCC and SCLC joint demonstration on behalf of James Meredith, Martin Luther King and Carmichael debated strongly about “Black Power”
March on Washington In 1963, the SNCC was a major role in the March on Washington where Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous "I have a dream" speech. A crowd of 200,000 people gathered around the Lincoln memorial in August 1963 to hear speeches by leaders of civil rights organizations, such as John Lewis. However, Lewis' speech sent a different message than King's speech. While both leaders embraced a desegregated society with equal rights for all, Lewis felt the federal government wasn't doing enough. While others seemed to be celebrating at the march. Lewis was angry and the speech he had prepared reflected it. He was so angry that several civil rights leaders and the Catholic Archbishop participating in the event coerced Lewis into moderating his speech.
The End By the late 1960’s, the SNCC was unable to effectively organize civil rights protests. In 1967, Hubert “Rap” Brown was elected as the SNCC’s new chairman. Brown’s advocacy of militancy brought the organization under FBI surveillance. The group began to dissolve as many of its leaders and organizers left. In 1970, the SNCC disbanded.
Greensboro (North Carolina), songbook, We Shall Overcome! Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement, Oak Publications) SNCC blacks stage a 1960s sit-in, demanding their "right" to invade white lunch counters Stokely Carmichael was the originator of the phrase "black power"
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