MODULE 8: How We Protect Ourselves Through Our Group TOOLS Child Protection Drama Protection Pathways Analyzing and Preventing Risks This module helps.


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Presentation transcript:

MODULE 8: How We Protect Ourselves Through Our Group TOOLS Child Protection Drama Protection Pathways Analyzing and Preventing Risks This module helps children’s groups reflect on the importance of child protection, and the roles that groups can play to protect girls and boys through their group activities. The tools also include analysis of risks that girls and boys may face through their participation, and strategies to reduce such risks These child protection tools are in development. Use of the protection tools require support from adult facilitators who have the skills, knowledge and confidence to support discussions among children on sensitive protection issues, and may require follow up support and referrals to concerns raised. Please ensure a safe space is created when using these tools with good adult support.

Explore how children’s groups can help protect children from different forms of abuse and exploitation faced in their daily lives. OBJECTIVE Minutes Space to perform drama Key Questions: ? ? ? What do girls and boys need protection from in different daily settings such as family, care settings, school, work place, communities, etc.? How can we protect girls and boys through our children’s group? How can we increase children’s self-protection? Steps MATERIALS TIME 1. EXPLAIN: In this activity, you will use drama to explore different ways in which children are being protected through your children’s group. 5, 16, DIVIDE: Separate in to small groups. When you divide in to groups, you may want to break up in to boys and girls, or members younger than 12 and older than 12 so that you can better understand fears and risks faced by each group. 3. DISCUSS & DEVELOP: In your small groups, discuss and identify what risks you and your friends face in different settings (family, school, workplace, community, etc.). Create a brief, 5 minute drama that shows how children are better protected from such risks through being a part of a children’s group. Child Protection Drama Module 8 – Page 1

4. PEFORM: Each group performs their drama. Depending on the number of small groups, decide if it is better to reflect after each drama, or if only two small groups, after both small groups have performed. 5. IDENTIFY & DISCUSS: After every group presents their drama, identify and discuss the protection risks that were shown through the drama, and the strategies used by children to increase their protection. It could be helpful to write these on flipchart paper so everyone can see. Children may raise some sensitive issues. Facilitators need to be aware of persons to whom they can make referrals and/or provide support to individual children if needed. This tool works very well with Tool 16. If you have time, you can take your drama and create a map of how your children’s group responds to protection issues. Module 8 – Page 2

To explore the step by step process children’s group members take to prevent and respond to child protection concerns. OBJECTIVE Minutes Flip chart paper, pens, sticky notes Key Questions: ? ? ? What do girls and boys need protection from in different daily settings such as family, care settings, school, work place, children’s group, communities, etc.? How can we protect girls and boys within our children’s group? How can we protect girls and boys through our children’s group? Steps MATERIALS TIME 1. EXPLAIN: This tool builds upon the Child Protection Drama (Tool 15) and creates a step by step process by which children’s groups are involved in efforts to identify, prevent and protect group members from different forms of abuse and exploitation. 5, Protection Pathways 2. BRAINSTORM: Think about the different protection concerns that are faced by girls and boys in your community. If you did the Child Protection Drama (Tool 15) you can make a list of the protection concerns that were identified during the drama. 3. VOTE: As a group, vote on the top three protection concerns that you want to explore further to see what role your children’s group play in identifying or responding to the protection concern. For the these priority child protection concerns we will create a Protection Pathway to see what happens step by step. Module 8 – Page 3

4. DISCUSS: Place the sticky note with the protection concern you have chosen at the top of a piece of flip chart paper. Think about the following in relation to that concern and write your answers on sticky notes: How is this concern identified? What happens next after the concern is identified? What is the result of this concern being identified and the steps taken by your children’s group to try and ensure protection. How can this concern be prevented? 5. CREATE: Now place the sticky notes you just created around the concern in a path that shows your children’s group’s response to that protection concern. If there are two or more options about what happens next, write both options on sticky notes to put on the protection pathway. A child is being regularly badly beaten by his parents Children’s group members observe a child being badly beaten During a children’s group meeting the child shares how they are badly beaten Children’s group members inform and discuss with adult members of the community protection committee (CPC) The children’s group members discuss the importance of protecting the child from severe beating. Module 8 – Page 4 2 representatives from the Child Protection committee and 1 children’s group representative visit the child’s home to discuss and advise the parents to stop severe beating. Children’s group and CPC members organize a radio program on positive discipline Children’s group presents drama about the negative impact of parents beaten children and the advantages of communication with children. Concern Response Prevention Identification

6. REPEAT: Repeat the process to explore other child protection concerns. Explore what children’s groups do to help identify, prevent or respond to those concerns. You can also use this method to explore how you identify, prevent and respond to child protection concerns faced inside of your own group (e.g. bullying among group members). You may want to form smaller mixed groups so that each group can explore a different child protection concern and then to share their findings as a large group. 7. REFLECT: As a large group, discuss the challenges and successes regarding Child Group efforts to prevent and protect children from different forms of abuse and violence. Think about the following: Which adults have responsibilities to help protect children? How can children’s groups get their support? What forms of support and/or guidance would be useful to strengthen the role of our children's group in preventing and responding to child protection concerns? What kind of capacity building or information can strengthen our self protection as children? Children may raise some sensitive issues. Facilitators need to be aware of persons to whom they can make referrals and/or provide support to individual children if needed. Module 8 – Page 5

Identify risks that may be faced through girls and boys participation in children’s group activities, and strengthen actions to ensure safe participation. OBJECTIVE Minutes (may be conducted in two 90 min sessions) Larger flip chart paper, sticky notes, pens. Key Questions: ? ? ? What risks do girls and boys face as a result of their participation in children’s groups? What is being done to minimize the risks and fears? What action steps need to be taken to ensure safe participation of girls and boys in children’s groups? Steps MATERIALS TIME 1. EXPLAIN: This activity involves two parts. Part one will explore the fears and risks associated with participating in children’s groups, and part two will explore actions that help minimize such fears and risks. 5, Analyzing and Preventing Risks Make sure supportive adults are available to support these sessions. Also depending on how much time your group has, you may want to organize part two in a separate follow up session. 2. INTRODUCE PART 1: Explain that your group will first be exploring the fears and risks they experience with participating in your children’s group. Module 8 – Page 6

3. CREATE: On flip chart paper, draw a large square that is divided in to four parts, or smaller squares. In each smaller square, write a scenario describing when children in your group might experience fears or risks. Facilitators, make sure you encourage children to brainstorm other scenarios they would like to add to this list of examples. Travelling to or from children’s group meetings or activities Spending time with other children’s group members or adult facilitators Speaking out or being part of children’s group action or advocacy initiatives Back in your home/ care setting/ work situation/ school AFTER children’s group activities. 4. DIVIDE: Divide in to smaller groups. Give each group sticky notes in a different color. When you divide in to groups, you may want to break up in to boys and girls, or members younger than 12 and older than 12 so that you can better understand fears and risks faced by each group. 5. BRAINSTORM: In each of the small groups, encourage members to brainstorm and list on sticky notes their fears and possible risks faced in each of the scenarios listed on the flip chart. 6. SHARE: Come back together as a large group. Have each smaller group briefly share the fears and risks they identified on their sticky notes and place them on the flip chart paper in the appropriate scenario square. Module 8 – Page 7

7. ANALYZE: Look at the flip chart and discuss the following questions: What patterns do you see? Do you see a difference in the fears and risks identified by one group compared to another such as differences among girls or boys; among younger or older children? What contributes to the risks faced by these different groups? 8. INTRODUCE PART 2: Explain that your group will now start planning the actions your group can take to minimize the risks and fears identified in Part 1. BREAK! Depending on how much time you have, you can stop here for the day and continue on to Part CREATE: On flip chart paper (or many pieces put together), draw a “Risk Assessment Chart” like the one below: SituationIdentified Risk/Fear Likelihood (H = high M = medium L = low) Existing efforts to minimize the risk/fear Action needed to ensure safe participation Module 8 – Page 8

9. ACTION: Add to the chart the Scenarios and risks/fears you identified in Part 1 of this activity. Situation Identified Risk/Fear Likelihood (H = high M = medium L = low) Existing efforts to minimize the risk/fear Action needed to ensure safe participation Travelling to or from children’s group meetings or activities A bully H Children’s Group talked to the bully Alert Village Dev Committee Traveling in the dark L Ending meetings earlier Members should also travel in pairs Spending time with other children’s group members or adult facilitators Speaking out or being part of children’s group action or advocacy initiatives Back in your home/ care setting/ work situation/ school AFTER children’s group activities. 10. ACTION: For each of the risks/ fears, discuss as a group whether the likelihood of the risk / fear is high, medium or low. Record the ‘likelihood’ finding in the table. 11. DIVIDE & DISCUSS: Divide in to small groups and discuss each of the high and medium risks to identify: Existing efforts by Child Group members and/or others to minimize the risk/ fear. Further action needed to ensure safe participation Module 8 – Page 9

12. REVIEW: Come back together as a large group and review the suggestions for further action needed to ensure safe participation. 13. ACTION : Make an action plan to ensure that safeguards are in place to minimize risks, to prevent abuse and to ensure that children are supported and protected at all times when involved in children’s group activities. Adults can be encouraged to share any organizational Child Protection Policies that they have to help protect children in a child friendly way; and children’s group members may be encouraged to develop their own Child Protection Policies and/or Code of Conduct for children’s group members and for adult supporters. Children may raise some sensitive issues. Facilitators need to be aware of persons to whom they can make referrals and/or provide support to individual children if needed. Module 8 – Page 10

11 Paul Stephenson Ruthi Hoffman-Hanchett Ravi Karkara Character images created by CERG through Bitstrips For Schools is not associated with The Article 15 Project. Annette Giertsen Module 1 – Page 11 The Article 15 Project Please visit for all Resource Kit modules. Roger Hart Pamela Wridt Blair Osler Bijan Kimiagar Ingrid Agud Claire O’Kane CERG is a Key Institution of the Childwatch International Research Network