Allen D. Hertzke University of Oklahoma October 23, 2012 Washington DC
Religious freedom matters but is imperiled As empirical value of religious freedom becomes manifest, violations are widespread and increasing Unprecedented documentary record and unique capacity to test timeless propositions Paradox of Religious Freedom Advocacy
Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948 Article 18: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.” But Would it pass today?
Religious Freedom contributes to political rights, civil liberties, women’s status, economic development, societal peace, and regional stability. Grim and Finke, The Price of Freedom Denied Crucial underpinning to democratic sustainability Alfred Stepan “Twin tolerations” Repressing religion ignites international strife God’s Century” - Toft, Philpott, Shah Justice demands it. Violations disrupt the social order. Empirical Validation of Timeless Quest
Correlation of Religious Freedom with Other Freedoms and Well-being within Countries
75% of world’s people live in countries with high restrictions on religion [Pew Forum, 2012] Believers face discrimination, intimidation, harassment, arrest, torture, death Communities face onerous registration rules, obstacles to formation of ministries and schools, property destruction, mob violence Undermines progress for democracy and freedom [Freedom House, 2011] Status of Global Religion
Religious Freedom Broader Religious Participation Positive Contributions of Religion to Society Social Restriction of Religious Freedom Violence related to Religion Governmental Restriction of Religious Freedom Religious Freedom CycleReligious Violence Cycle Empirical Model: Interaction of Social Forces and Government Laws Price of Freedom Denied, Grim & Finke, 2011
Diverging Paths Government Restriction Index Social Hostilities Index Saudi Arabia Qatar3.9<1
Crucible of the 21st Century Living with our differences in a shrinking world We get this right or the century will be bleak Historic convergence of events on the ground and empirical evidence creates strategic opportunity
Advancing Religious Freedom Must be a priority of democracy-loving peoples -- Tony Blair But what are the different models of advocacy? How do distinct approaches flow from different disciplines, visions, or religions? What practical challenges do advocates face? What strategies do they employ to meet them?
Highlights of Fall Issue Provide models, lessons, Inspiration Illustrate debates, challenges, and strategies Feature heroes of conscience
Broader Quest Develop Model Curricula Build the intellectual infrastructure to sustain religious freedom advocacy Launch new interdisciplinary field to socialize and train next generation of leaders Buoy the work of Heroes of Conscience Thanks to the Institute for Global Engagement and John Templeton Foundation for this RFIA initiative
Promise in the Fellowship of Religious Freedom Advocacy In an era of partisan rancor and small bore politics… Multi-faith, nonpartisan, and transnational alliances and networks – people in this room One of the unheralded stories of our time
We few, we happy few, we band of sisters and brothers…
Fellowship of Religious Freedom Signing ceremony ending Oregon’s 1923 KKK-backed law against religious attire in public schools, April 1, 2010.