Plaidoyer Inclusifs / Advocacy for Inclusion animé par Priscille GEISER et Marie LEDUC Contiguum URD Séminaire des Ressources Techniques 2014 Technical.


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Presentation transcript:

Plaidoyer Inclusifs / Advocacy for Inclusion animé par Priscille GEISER et Marie LEDUC Contiguum URD Séminaire des Ressources Techniques 2014 Technical Resources Seminar 2014 Jeudi 25 Septembre / Thursday, September 25 th

ADVOCACY in different contexts Points discussed: – Scope of HI work on advocacy – How we are organized in HI to work on advocacy – How we engage in data collection for advocacy – How we deal with inclusivity in advocacy – How HI position itself / posture in advocacy: – How we do advocacy /principles, methods

ADVOCACY in different contexts Scope of HI work in advocacy – Variety of groups we advocate with/for: people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, mine victims, vulnerable populations, victims of road accidents… – Sometimes conflicting philosophies, e.g.: victim assistance vs empowerment of persons with disabilities – Variety of sectors: some connections to be developed for advocacy – Mine action and DRR already work across URD

ADVOCACY in different contexts How we are organized in HI to work on advocacy: – Advocacy led by DAM, DRT, DAD, DAU – Differences in way to connect/ work with UnOP on it – No overview of advocacy initiatives in HI – Visibility on UnOP mandate and work not even across departments

ADVOCACY in different contexts How we engage in data collection for advocacy – DAM-DAU collaboration on data collection – Importance of having research partners – What we do with data? Identify gaps, work with civil society organisations, sometimes lack of use (DVFP, CBR) – Interesting practices in publishing regularly data with advocacy purpose (landmine monitor, monthly road safety bulletins…) – Challenge of compatibility of data collection systems; how can we have standards for this e.g. in emergency? – Comparability of data (e.g. Washington Group) including within HI and across U-R-D – Data analysis sometimes well coordinated (mines, road safety), sometimes more challenging to coordinate (e.g. CRPD parallel report) – Contributing to global reports (landmine monitor, WHO global status reports) or international monitoring mechanisms (CRPD parallel processes)

ADVOCACY in different contexts How we deal with inclusivity in advocacy – Development: systematic leadership of DPOs/ PwDs on disability rights advocacy; increase legitimacy and capacity of DPOs to engage in advocacy; sectoral advocacy needs to be accessible for DPOs to join in and linking DPOs with experts; including PwDs in programming – Protracted crises: exp of participatory advocacy even when user groups/ DPOs don’t exist; linking refugees with disab to national DPOs – Emergency: setting inclusion units; how to identify DPOs/ civil society groups that survived to the crisis? Not working with DPOs as a priority / need to improve – Common: mainstreaming HIV/ disability/ GBV in others’ work; using regional/ global agendas (MDGs, Decades…); getting disability in documents/ tools

ADVOCACY in different contexts How HI position itself / posture in advocacy: – Filling a vacuum (eg HIV and disability, road safety) – Not working alone, hubs, coordination; contribution to technical working groups – HI as coordinator of advocacy initiatives – HI supporting DPOs which are on the forefront – HI working with victims organizations – HI training on advocacy – HI as expert to analyse data

ADVOCACY in different contexts How we do advocacy /principles, methods – Important to target big players to obtain change – Advocacy required to scale up good practices – Evidence-based approach – Linking advocacy and awareness-raising – Universal access as a key message – Bottom-up: from community to global level – Linking advocacy with human rights enforcement (using CRPD; MBT, CCM) – Mainstreaming our concerns (disability, GBV…) in the work of others

Advocacy (URD) Organizational: How we are organized in HI to work on advocacy – Improve: Engage directors and develop clear action plans for advocacy shared and owned by technical resources and field – Improve UnOP leadership in collaboration with various advocacy initiatives throughout HI – Improve: Ensure common understanding of advocacy – Develop: Asap act on this and share these ideas within our respective units – Develop: Identify a focal point in each technical unit for advocacy issues – Develop: Set a cross-sector task force of advocacy focal points under UnOP leadership, arrange regular discussions

Advocacy (URD) Data collection for advocacy – Improve: Work across DA to harmonize data/ figures – Improve: Systematize use of MIW as way to gather evidence for advocacy – Improve: Appropriate allocation of resources for data collection and analysis for advocacy purpose – Develop: Unify and ensure continuity of data collection across DA – Develop: Compare data on injuries (mine, road safety, national disaster) to have a URD perspective – Develop: Create and share factsheets about advocacy and data collection – Develop: Collect and share best practices and bad practices in advocacy

Advocacy (URD) Sharing existing experiences and resources – Improve: Dissemination of existing tools/ methodologies – Improve: Sharing keys to successful advocacy – Improve: Ensuring inclusive tools for advocacy at all levels; – Improve: aim at improving inclusivity of advocacy practices, sharing good practices even in constrained environment – Develop: Map existing initiatives and who does what in HI on advocacy (beyond national associations), share, update it

Advocacy (URD) Advocacy content and strategies: – Improve: Identification of interventions contributing to realize CRPD within HI and explore potential collaboration across DA on this – Improve linkages between national level initiatives and international advocacy – Develop: Advocacy for safe and accessible infrastructures in post-emergency context / reconstruction – Develop: Set up an information sharing platform across DA to exchange updated information and evidence that can contribute to various advocacy purposes (hosted by UnOP) – Develop: Mapping of articles CRPD and how to apply this in all contexts (across DA) – example of format per article of CRPD: Situation – Crisis - DAU response – Adv. Message Situation – Protracted – DAU/DAD response – Adv. Message Situation – DAD response – Adv. Message