Restoration of Voting Rights for 136,000 1 Feb Bringing Up the Case 14 March 2013 Winning the Case 25 May 2013 Law was Revised 27 May 2015 Chief Counsel Hitomi Sugiura, Attorney at Law
Outline 1. Why was the law changed so soon after the court decision?
Outline 2. What have we been doing after winning the court case and the law was revised?
Reasons for Swift legal change 1. Wide Public Support for our case
Inclusion Japan collected more than 410,000 signatures 7
Reasons for Swift legal change 2. Political Support from politicians ★ Lobbying ★ International attention and support “The world is watching us”
Reasons for Swift legal change 3. Presence of Takumi, self-advocate. A Member of Parliament said “I did not know that our law has been taking away a right from this individual who should be voting”. MPs apologized to Takumi. “We are sorry for taking away your right”
Those who took away her rights did know the very people who rights were deprived
On-going Challenge Implementation of Article 29 Takumi, lawyers and supporters collecting questionnaires to voters with disabilities at polling stations and making recommendations to government At polling stations, we ask if there is Easy-to-understand guidance is available Accessible service are available Officials have proper understanding of disability Based on the questionnaires, we submit our recommendations to the ministry in charge of elections.
Thank you! 14