The Holocaust
Please turn in the following: Please do not talk at this time May 18 HW: Read Chapter 16, Sec. 3, Cornell Notes Thesis based on best prompt for Wed/Thurs. Please turn in the following: Totalitarian Handout Fascism Handout Prompts Practice Rape of Nanking Handout You have 5 minutes to prep for your quiz Take Quiz Correct Quiz
Please trade quizes with someone nearby Write your name after the words, Corrected By: Make sure your name is readable. As you score the quiz, put a line through wrong answers. Do nothing to correct ones.
Answer Sheet 1. A. the government. 2. A. collective farming. 3. C. the promotion of international trade. 4. B. Stalin's enemies. 5. D. police terror 6. D. Paul von Hindenburg. 7. A. a classless society. 8. B. conquer other countries. 9. A. fascism. 10. D. Benito Mussolini 11. D. the economic crisis brought on by the Depression 12. B. Hatred of Jews, or anti-Semitism, was a key part of Nazi ideology. 13. C. became more democratic. 14. B. The Soviet government took their food away from them. 15. C. The Versailles Treaty caused problems that led to the rise of Hitler's party.
Add up the total correct answers and multiply by 2 Add up the total correct answers and multiply by 2. Put this number over 30 on the top of the page. Hand the quiz back to the owner. When you have finished looking at your own quiz, Turn it in to the turn in box.
Get with you Museum Project Partners Get out your notebooks and class work, and get a text book. Get out your final assignment sheet. Look over these documents and start putting together some prompts. Remember, a prompts needs a directive word from column one and a vocab word from column two to be complete. Write as many of these as you can think of, then choose your TOP 3.
Some sample prompts Describe people’s fight for political, social and economic equality using examples from revolutions, economic development and imperialism. Explain the role technology and inventions has played in history using examples from cultural diffusion, economic development, imperialism or conflict. Identify exploitation of people throughout history in revolutions, economic development, imperialism or conflict. Compare reactionary and liberal responses to change using examples from cultural diffusion, revolutions, and economic development. Compare the role played by women in history using examples from revolutions, economic development and World War One. Compare human rights violations in history using examples from economic development, imperialism and conflict. Evaluate the effectiveness of different leaders throughout history using examples from revolution, economic development, imperialism or conflict.
Once you have a prompts you like…Re-Write your prompts as a Thesis Statement… Explain the role technology and inventions has played in history using examples from cultural diffusion, economic development, imperialism or conflict. Becomes…. Advanced technology gave an advantage to any culture that possessed it, whether exploring the globe, competing economically, or conquering others. Craft your thesis statements now….
HW: Thesis based on best prompt for Wed/Thurs. Please do not talk at this time May 19 HW: Thesis based on best prompt for Wed/Thurs. On a half sheet (please share with a friend) answer this question: Why do we study the Holocaust? It is the single most completely documented Genocide in history. We can clearly trace cause and effect. The techniques developed to spread hate in this case can be used by any group at any time against any one to a similar effect when people don’t know how to tell they are being manipulated. It is important to understand that desperate people often choose extreme solutions to survive. Knowing this, we can guard whole populations by treating the desperation instead of the extreme solution. This can, and has, happened again. Knowing what to look for will help us prevent similar catastrophes.
Review the Conditions that lead to Genocide: 1. Minority group considered “outsider,” and labeled “scum”, etc. to dehumanize the minority group. This is just like Demonization in Propaganda. It is acceptable to attack or kill that which is not human. 2. Racist ideology and propaganda (ie. Extreme Nationalism) 3. Strong dependence on military and military security (often combined with Militarism and the idea that the military can do no wrong.) 4. Denied political power or ability to address problems within the political system. 5. National leadership has strong territorial ambitions and does not wish to share precious land resources. 6. Power of the state has been reduced be defeat in a war or other internal strife. 7. Possibility of retaliation for genocidal acts or of interference from neutral nations is at a minimum (ie. Punishment is unlikely.) Using your homework on Fascism and your book, find examples of each one from 1930’s Germany. Chapter 15.3 and 16.3.
How do you get away with murder? 7 steps to Committing Genocide. Today we will be looking at the specific historical examples of each of these steps, but it is important to understand the plan that Hitler devised to be able to get away with murder with a minimum of resistance. Step 1: Choose a Target- This group or groups must be a minority and easily identifiable. Step 2: Isolate Them- Separate the minority or minorities from those in power or the society as a whole who might help or defend them. Step 3: Terrorize Them- Fear is a weapon that steals strength and energy from the target, so they have fewer resources to resist.
Step 4: Remove Them- Out of sight, out of mind Step 4: Remove Them- Out of sight, out of mind. The majority, already struggling with their own problems finds it hard to remember strangers they don’t see. Many will choose blissful ignorance if they are not faced with the reality of injustice. Step 5: Claim they are Criminals- Propaganda was used to spread lies that justified the evil actions of the Nazi Government. While completely false, many people believed these lies because it was easier to do that then face the truth. Step 6: Imprison the Criminals- Once Nazis had claimed the minority were dangerous law breakers, they insisted on sending them to prison. These prisons were the Concentration Camps. Since none of the lies would stand up in court and all the prisoners were innocent, trials were never held. Step 7: Execution- Nazis sentenced their prisoners to death as their “Final Solution.” By the time they implemented this plan, steps 1 – 6 had bled most (but not all) of the resistance out of people under Nazi authority.
Now sign up for a group on the board and get a packet. 1. As a team read the Colored paper TOGETHER first, then read as many of the other papers as you can. Divide them up and share what you find with each other. 2. While you read, record examples of your step from the reading. Be as specific as possible. When you read about resistance to your step, record examples of that information in the other box. Be as specific as possible.
Please do not talk at this time May 20/21 HW: Complete your Holocaust Monument and prepare to share with the class. Bring Materials to work on Final. Get in your groups from yesterday and get out your papers. Procedure for today: 1. 20 minutes to read the rest of your papers and add to your part of the 7 steps to genocide. 2. 20 minutes Break out to get info from other groups and share your info until everyone has everything 3. 20 Minutes Back in groups to swap info so individual group members have everything. 4. Work on Monument assignment with group until the end of the period. As you work on your Holocaust Assignment, I will be talking to you about your Final Thesis
Get in your groups from yesterday and get out your papers. 3. Select your BEST explainer to stay by your own papers to explain your step to members of the other teams. Then send the rest of your group out to get information from the other teams. Divide up the work. 4. Check in when you have all gathered information from all the other groups and make sure that everyone has lots of info in ALL their boxes. 5. If you finish early, do the last box on What Could You Do to Resist Each Step on the Path to Genocide? You want a fully filled out Chart on the 7 Steps Leading to Genocide as seen in 1930’s Germany.
Monument Project- Design a Monument to the Holocaust Monument Project- Design a Monument to the Holocaust In this project you will design a monument to the Holocaust and then explain why the monument needs to be made, where it should be placed and what it represents.
Procedure: 1. Now that you have gathered so much information on the Holocaust, analyze what you have discovered. A. Start your Analysis: Why is this Holocaust significant? How did it change or influence the world? Why should there be a monument to the Holocaust? What do people need to remember about the Holocaust? Where should your monument be placed to have the greatest impact?
2. Now design your moment: Choose at least 6 symbols or images to express what is important about your Genocide. Create an arrangement that sends a message or evokes the feeling you want people to get when they see your monument. Decide what your Monument will look like and Draw/Sketch a design for it. Neatness counts for this part. You will be presenting this to the class. 3. Prepare an explanation of how your monument represents the Holocaust and what your symbols mean. You will share this with the class on Friday.
The Emotional Language of Shapes
Describe each shape
Which shapes get a positive emotional response?
Which shapes get a negative emotional response?
Which shape set is most appealing? Safe Dangerous
What is the emotional difference between these two shapes? Stable Unstable
What effect does tipping these shapes have on their emotional impact? It suggests movement like falling
How are these two images different in their emotional impact? Breaking apart Coming together
What is different about the emotional impact of these two sets? Threat Comfort
You can use the emotional language of shapes to help you design your monument.
You can design a monument to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, or for a specific group that experienced it. You could make one to commemorate the struggle, the agony, or the resistance of the victims. You could also do one to the heroism of the rescuers or the liberators or to the decency of the average person who fought in large and small ways against the Holocaust.
Please do not talk at this time May 22 HW: Bring Materials to work on Final, Tuesday. Notebook check off due Friday, May 29 Notebook pages 76 A/B and 77 will be checked on Friday. I will not collect notebooks, I will just check them off. Vocabulary Post Test will be June 1/2 the week of finals. The rest of that block period will be spent working on Final Projects.
Get your thesis out from yesterday… What do you need to talk about? Thesis: Human rights have been violated throughout history by governments trying to gain power. This is especially true of France during the French Revolution, in India during Imperialism and in Nazi Germany. Figure out the specific human rights being violated. How did these help Governments Gain Power? Find examples in French Revolution Find examples in India under English Domination Find examples in Nazi Germany Write your thesis out on a new sheet of paper and brainstorm all the things you will need to find to answer it.
Finals Work- set up a page (or 3 pages) like this: Thesis: Write your thesis here so you know what you will be proving. Unit 1- Specific Topic Everything you know about this topic! Unit 2- Specific Topic Everything you know about this topic! Unit 3- Specific Topic Everything you know about this topic!
Example: Thesis: Human rights have been violated throughout history by governments trying to gain power. This is especially true of France during the French Revolution, in India during Imperialism and in Nazi Germany. Unit 1- Human rights abuses during the French Revolution Rights: Life/Liberty/Property Violations- Reign of terror Death without a trial Mobs tearing people limb from limb Book burning Seizure of property Power- Chaos kept Robespierre in control. Unit 2- Human rights abuses during imperialism in India Rights: Life/Liberty/Property Violations- Starvation after forced famine Lower wages Restricted education No respect for religious differences Sepoy rebellion Power- Made British rich Unit 3- Human rights abuses in Nazi Germany Rights: Life/Liberty/Property Violations- Nuremberg laws Concentration Camps Genocide Propaganda Power- Hitler used Jews as scapegoat to make him a dictator
Use this list to review what we have learned this year Use this list to review what we have learned this year.. Cultural Diffusion: Prologue, Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 Topics: origins of democracy, Greeks and Romans, Enlightenment, Judeo-Christian values Revolutions: Chapter 5 – Chapter 8 Topics: American Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleon, Haitian Revolution, Revolutions in South America Industrial Revolution: Chapter 9 Topics: Agricultural revolution, industrialization, working poor, capitalism, new technology, rise of unions, legal protection for workers Imperialism: Chapter 11 – Chapter 12 Topics: Rush for Africa, Menelik II, African resistance, Sepoy Rebellion, Opium wars, Boxer Rebellion, USA takes Japan and the Philippines Conflict: Chapter 13 – Chapter 15 and Chapter 16.3 Topics: WWI, Women in the War, effects of the war, causes and results of the war, Great Depression, Lost Generation, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Communism, Russian Revolution, Rape of Nanking.
Pick and choose what you need to prove or explain your thesis. The information you gather today will make up the body of your 4 paragraphs. Pick and choose what you need to prove or explain your thesis. You can also look for pictures, quotes, maps, diagrams and other visuals to add to your museum. These are throughout the chapters and especially in sections at the end…