Health Agenda Goal # 5b Progress to Date DPS Medicaid Dept (the Dept) received grant funding ◦ From The Colorado Health Foundation and The Colorado Trust to expand Outreach & Enrollment (O&E) services The Dept partnered with Multicultural Outreach, Food Services, Child Find Partner with state and local entities ◦ CO Covering Kids & Families Coalition; Denver Outreach Partners; State Dept of Healthcare Policy & Financing; Denver County Human Services; Parent Leadership organizations; many other outreach and/or advocacy organizations The Dept’s O&E staff attended numerous outreach events based in schools and in the community ◦ DPS employee benefits fairs; School health fairs, barbecues, field days, etc.; Denver Public Library Book Babies; Teen Tivoli; Student Svcs Resource Fair; many many more!
Health Agenda Goal # 5b Measurements to Date The Dept hired and trained 3 additional fulltime O&E staff ◦ School year started with only 1.25 FTE ◦ October more FTE hired ◦ November more FTE hired ◦ By second semester, we had a full team of trained O&E staff DPS Medicaid Dept has enrolled 688 children in Medicaid or CHP+ health insurance ◦ Received 901 referrals and met in person with 306 families Contacted 422 families and enrolled 222 children based on Free or Reduced Meal program data ◦ Income qualifications for Medicaid/CHP+ parallel those for Free/Reduced O&E staff appeared on the “Educa” Spanish Radio program, which ran 10 spots discussing Medicaid and CHP+ Featured in an “Educa” newspaper article, reaching Spanish-speaking families Established outstation sites to better reach families ◦ Child Gilpin - to reach younger families who are not connected with resources ◦ Ford Elementary - to better meet the demonstrated high needs in the Far Northeast ◦ Place Bridge Academy – to connect with immigrant families and surrounding communities
Other Developments and Implications Submitted a federal CHIPRA grant proposal requesting $700,000 ◦ Awards to be announced by July 31, 2011 ◦ Implementation would be August 1, 2011 – July 31, 2013 Local Service Plan submitted to CDE ◦ Provides direction on spending Medicaid reimbursement dollars ◦ Increased outreach and enrollment funds are allocated ◦ Pending approval, but is effective July 1, 2011 CHP+ maximum allowable income increased from 205% to 250% FPL Health Agenda Goal # 5b
Immediate Next Steps DPS Medicaid Dept will hire an Outreach & Enrollment Coordinator by August 1, 2011 ◦ Position will focus full-time on expanding and coordinating efforts to increase enrollment Express Lane Eligibility ◦ By November 15, 2011, Food and Nutrition Services will share the consented Free and Reduced Lunch list with Medicaid ◦ Income qualification will be automatic based on free/reduced meal qualification ◦ O&E staff will follow up with families to obtain required identity and citizenship documentation ◦ In 2012, the State expects to implement phase 2 of Express Lane Eligibility, with a more automated enrollment process Health Agenda Goal # 5b