Center for International Private Enterprise Public Private Dialogue April 27, 2013
The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market- oriented reform. CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and journalists to build the civic institutions vital to a democratic society. 2
Foster institutions necessary to establish and sustain market-oriented democracies Increase private sector participation in the democratic process Increase support for and understanding of the freedoms, rights, and responsibilities essential to market-oriented democracies Improve governance through transparency and accountability in the public and private sectors 3 CIPE Objectives
Strengthen freedom of association and strengthen private, voluntary business associations Promote an entrepreneurial culture and understanding of how markets work Expand access to information necessary for sound entrepreneurial and policy decisions 4 CIPE Objectives
Program Areas 5 Anti-Corruption Advocacy Informal Sector Corporate Governance Business Associations Access to Information Youth Women Democratic Governance
Define public private dialogue Characteristics of good dialogue Challenges of developing effective dialogue Examples of differing approaches 6 Public Private Dialogue
Corporate citizenship in action Public or private sector led Structured and process-driven Advocacy vs. Lobbying 7 Public Private Dialogue
Legitimate Transparent Inclusive Based on principles of freedom Focused 8 Characteristics
Flexible Rooted in civil society Policy-oriented 9 Characteristics
Organizational reputation/strength Issue identification Determining Policy Prioritizing Messaging Monitoring/Follow up Proactive vs. reactive 10 Challenges
Business Agenda National Business Agenda Regional Business Agenda Sectoral Business Agendas Regional Dialogue Parliamentary Training Political Campaign Programs Presidential Debate 11 PPD Examples
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