Climate induced migration & adaptation Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Why the Internal Displacement is as emerging issue Ok Global prediction on CC induce displacement -IPCC Assessment (AR1) as a greatest single impact as human migration -Numbers of displaced person as a direct result of climate change may rise up to 200 million by 2050 (Myers & Kent,1995; Myers 2001). -Nicholls et al., (2010) projected that about 72 and 187 million people (roughly 0.9–2.4% of the global population) will be displaced over the century for a 0.5 and 2.0m rise in sea level, respectively and most of the threatened people are concentrated in the regions in Asia: east, southeast and south Asia. -It has been estimated that there is the impending threat of displacement of more than 20 million people in the near future. The settlement of these environmental refugees will pose a serious problem for the densely populated Bangladesh, BCCSAP 2009 Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Is prediction appropriates in reality? -According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2012, Bangladesh is countries most affected by extreme weather events from 1991 to 2010 as because; extreme weather event occurred -Total 7851 people died -1.56% of GDP loss -Weather-related disasters accounted for 92 per cent of displacement in 2011, and 115 was climatic out of the 135 disasters studied. They displaced a total of 13.8 million people globally, IDMC. Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Climate Change and Migration Nexus Climate factors is one of the most influential drivers of forced migration Climate drivers -Climate processes: slow onset changes (SLR, Salinization, desertification, water and food insecurity). -Climate events: sudden and extreme hazards (storms, cyclones, floods) Non-climate drivers: -Population, extreme Poverty and people living in more vulnerable and ecologically fragile areas -Lack of infrastructure and lack of income opportunities. Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
The conceptual framework, showing the ‘drivers’ of migration and the influence of environmental change (Foresight, 2011) Source: Beddington 2011 Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Source: CVM 2012
Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh Source: CVM 2012
Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh Source: CVM 2012
What’s saying the existing reality? -Cyclone Gorky % of population -Cyclone SIDR 0.65 million -Cyclone Aila 0.2 million were temporary homeless Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Flood Affected and displacement by flood in last 30 yrs. YearAffected people 1988 June45 million 2004 June36 million 1984 May30 million 1987 July29 million 1998 May15 million 2007 July13 million DMB Statistics Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Study & Observation on CC Migrant in BD -Sudden onset disasters usually cause mass displacement, while slow onset disasters affect the environment forcing people permanent migration - Chronic, long-term issues on rehabilitation and employment opportunities, especially during the post-disaster response and recovery phase when governance mechanisms often fail to respond adequately to the situation -Displaced and trapped people face persistent insecurity of basic needs. Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Way out for us Global recognition on IDP issues -“Article 3. Principles. 3: The Parties should take precautionary measures to anticipate, prevent or minimize the causes of climate change and mitigate its adverse effects. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing such measures (UNFCCC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Cancun Agreement i. Agrees that adaptation is a challenge faces by all parties and that enhanced action and internal cooperation on adaptation is urgent need, Para-11 ii. Also measure to enhance understanding, coordination cooperation with regard to climate induced displacement, migration and planned relocation where appropriate in national, regional and international level, Para 14.f Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Way out for us -UN IDP principle Internally displaced person shall enjoy, in full equality, the same rights and freedom under international and domestic law as do other person in the country. They shall not be discriminated against in the enjoyment of any rights and freedom on the ground that they are internally displaced. Principal 1.1 National authorities have primary duty and responsibility to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to internally displace person within their jurisdictions principle 3.1 -Bangladesh also endorsee of UN IDP guideline Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Policy exercise towards IDP issue Plan & PoliciesEmphasis IDP IssueMeasures taken Bangladesh Disaster Management Act Less- Shift the population in order to resilient the livelihood if necessary, Article 15(e). National Plan on Disaster Management No Emphasized BCCSAP Emphasized and - Proposed to research and study - Revising existing policies and Institutional capacity building - Policy Advocacy in national and international level - Not yet observed any specific action Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
Actions on migration under BCCSAP: Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
A specific management on migration in BD is need to set out three key elements: -Development of a monitoring mechanism of internal and external migration -Development of a protocol to provide adequate support for their re-settlement and rehabilitation - Building of capacity through education and training to facilitate their re-settlement in new environment Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
We need research on short and long-term migration patterns in environmentally vulnerable regions both during and after sudden-onset events and as a result of gradual environmental change. that could be included; -Research on areas of destination for migrants from environmentally vulnerable regions and climate hot spots -Research into the needs of those who are not able to migrate and trapped in the respective areas. -Specific research need on both regional and longer-distance international migration from environmentally vulnerable areas or regions. Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
-Based on the above, we need to develop an integrated policy on migration and displacement management that would support a more proactive approach to these issues and also would address existing challenges and anticipate future ones. -Also better implementation of existing policies (e.g. the Disaster management, Water and Sanitation Policy those lack of addressing the migrants issues) would also contribute towards addressing current challenges, and a coordination mechanism in adaptation process. Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
We also propose following actions Immediate: -Implement T4P6 of BCCSAP -Special SSN for internal displaced people Short Term: -Develop integrated policy with comprehensive approach on migration and displacement management -Formal submission by the govt. to establish an international regime under UN system on IDP issue and management Medium & Long Term -Progressive land and agriculture reform -National institute for working on cc induced displacement issues -Engagement of local govt. at field level implementation process. Climate Induced Migration & Adaptation : Need national policy, Perspective Bangladesh
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