SPX – Timing and Synchronization WBS U WBS U Frank Lenkszus Senior Electronics Engineer AES/Controls DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade 4-6 December 2012
Outline Technical Significance WBS Scope Team Requirements Design Risks ES&H Cost Schedule 2 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012
Technical Motivation SPX presents demanding synchronization requirements that can only be met by state-of-the art techniques 3 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012
WBS 1.02 / 1.03 Timing & Sync Scope/Cost Summary R&D, Design, construction, testing, and installation of the timing and synchronization systems for SPX Includes: –16 channel transmitter/sender –Phase stabilizers for LLRF –1 laser oscillator phase stabilizer –2 4-input sync heads for cavities –1 laser oscillator sync head –cable plant –Engineering design/support –LBNL Collaboration DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX Timing and Synchronization Scope and WBS U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
Timing/Synchronization Requirements 6 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 Specification NameRMS ValueBandwidthDriving Requirement Common-mode phase Variation < 10 deg0.01 Hz – 271 kHzKeep intensity variation under 10% rms Differential mode phase variation between sectors < deg a 0.01 Hz – 200 HzKeep rms beam motion outside of SPX within beam stability requirements Differential mode phase variation between sectors < deg a 0.01 Hz – 1 kHzKeep rms beam motion outside of SPX within beam stability requirements Differential mode phase variation between sectors < 0.28 deg1 kHz – 271 kHzLimits effective emittance growth to below 1.5 pm Beam Line Laser Synchronization to X-ray pulse < 0.27 psec0.01 Hz to 1 kHzLimit increase in effective pulse duration to < 10% a Requirement without orbit correction running
Phase Error Budget Committee formed to allocate phase tolerances Committee Members –Ned Arnold, Tim Berenc, John Carwardine, Glenn Decker, Eric Dufresne, Doug Horan, Frank Lenkszus, Yuelin Li, Bob Lill, Hengjie Ma, Vadim Sajaev, Bingxin Yang Spread sheets developed for both SPX and SPX0 –SPX0 Cross-Phase Mode In-Phase Mode –SPX Many contributors to phase errors have been identified and quantified where data is available –However there are contributors whose effects are unknown such as microphonics The spread sheets establish a default error budget allocation to the enumerated contributors based on the specifications in the PRD DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
The Challenge One Meter of cable with –7 ppm/degC –V/C = 67% Result: ~35 femtoseconds/degC DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December At 2815 MHz: 1 degree of phase ~ 1 picosecond
The Team Entered into a collaboration with LBNL to apply their femtosecond synchronization system to the SPX requirements The team –ANL Frank Lenkszus Tim Berenc Ned Arnold Hangjie Ma Bob Laird Tom Fors –LBNL John Byrd Russell Wilcox Larry Doolittle Gang Huang Jim Greer Keri Campbell 9 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012
The LBNL Femtosecond-Phase Stabilization System Measures the optical phase delay through a fiber with a heterodyne interferometer. –The optical frequency is offset by an RF frequency (~100 MHz) –The original optical frequency is heterodyned (mixed) with the offset optical frequency to produce an RF beat signal of 100 MHz –Changes in optical phase translate to identical changes in the 100 MHz beat signal phase –Offers a large leverage over stabilization in the RF domain (six-order-of- magnitude) –One degree of phase change in the 1560 nm optical domain (~ 21 attoseconds) translates to 1 degree of phase change in the RF domain (~25 picoseconds) DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December “Demonstration of Femtosecond-Phase Stabilization in 2 km Optical Fiber”, J. Staples, R. Wilcox, J. Byrd, LBNL, Proceedings of PAC07 (MOPAS028)
LBNL Scheme for Stable Transmission of RF Signals DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
LBNL Results 2.2 km fiber –19.4 fs 2850 MHz (60 hours) –Variation ~1000 greater without correction 200 m fiber –8.4 fs 2850 MHz (20 hours) For SPX/SPX0, assigned 20 fs rms over 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz for phase reference distribution DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December Reference: “Stable transmission of radio frequency signals on fiber links using interferometric delay sensing”, R. Wilcox, J. Byrd, L. Doolittle, G Huang, J. Staples, Optics Letters, Vol 34, No. 20, pp (Oct 15, 2009)
SPX Timing/Synchronization Scope DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December Fiber Optic Cable
Beam-Line Laser Control DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
Feedback Cavity phase errors cause a vertical kick to the beam –Detected as orbit distortion by BPMs A Beam Arrival Time Monitor (BAT) located at the upstream cavity will feedback to the main LLRF to stabilize beam arrival time. –But the BAT will not be specified to be stable below 0.01 Hz. Uncompensated beam arrival time errors will cause a common mode phase error at the upstream cavity. Common mode and differential mode phase errors are distinguishable by nature of the orbit distortion caused by each. Feedback from the BPM system to the to the upstream and downstream LLRF phases will compensate for both types of errors. Feed forward from the upstream cavity phase to the Laser controller will cause the laser to track the x-ray pulse phase. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX Timing for Diagnostics Beam Arrival Time Monitor –352 MHz reference Residual Tilt Monitor –352 MHz reference Vertical Beam Size Monitor –No timing reference required BPMs –Use existing timing/synchronization signals DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
Timing/Synchronization R&D DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX0: What’s not Included DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December Fiber Optic Cable Not In Scope for SPX0
SPX0 Timing/Synchronization Block Diagram DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
Timing/Sync Differences Between SPX and SPX0 Compensation for drifts in the coax cable between A014 and SPX zone is not included Beam-Line laser controller/stabilizer is not included in SPX0 –Was descoped as a cost reduction measure –Not needed for short (8 hour) runs with wider SPX0 x-ray pulse width Sync heads are different (4 cavity vs 1 cavity sync head) LLRF Phase stabilizer function is collocated in LLRF receiver chassis for SPX0 and in a separate chassis for SPX DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX0 Receiver DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December Beat Module Phase Detect
SYNC Head (LCLS version) DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
R&D Status Transmitter/Sender is in fabrication at vendor –Expect completion by 12/12 RF and Optical Sync Heads are in fabrication at vendor –Delivery scheduled for 1/30/13 Four receiver chassis have been assembled at LBNL –Porting of Phase Stabilizer code is in process Preliminary system test complete by LBNL - 3/31/13 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX Timing and Synchronization Risks/Mitigation To meet Common Mode Phase specification long term –Use Feedback From Storage Ring BPMs within the SPX zone to LLRF cavity phase to compensate –Use feedback from Beam Arrival Time Monitor to SR Main LLRF To meet Differential Mode Phase Specification long term –Use Feedback From Storage Ring BPMs outside the SPX zone to LLRF cavity phase to compensate To meet long term beam line laser to x-ray pulse synchronization specification –Use feed forward from the upstream cavity phase to beam-line laser phase to track x-ray pulse 24 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012
Timing/Synchronization ES&H DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) –APS-U Project following Argonne’s ISMS program requirements –Argonne Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Description recently revised and submitted to DOE ASO Describes framework for integrating ESH requirements with mission objectives References Argonne LMS procedures which implement specific portions of the ISMS Electrical Safety –All equipment will be NRTL inspected before testing/operating Laser Safety –Transmitter/Sender reviewed by Laser Safety Officer –Laser Light Completely contained in fibers
SPX Timing and Synchronization Scope and WBS U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December LBNL Collaboration Vendor Quotes LBNL Collaboration
SPX Timing and Synchronization BOE Contingency U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX Timing and Synchronization Obligation Profile U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX R&D and Production Milestones U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX Timing and Synchronization Milestones U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
SPX Timing and Synchronization Summary Schedule U & U DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December
Timing/Synchronization Work After CD-2 Final Design will be completed Laser/X-ray pulse synchronization R&D will continue at LBNL SPX0 will give opportunity to verify that cavity synchronization can be achieved Will be a Final Design Review prior to CD3 32 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012
Summary Timing/Synchronization 33 This system provides the timing/synchronization required for the SPX cavities and beam-line laser. The requirements are given in the SPX PRD. —Primary Challenge is differential phase tolerance. The preliminary design is complete —Major components are in prototyping stage Transmitter/Sender RF and Optical Sync Heads Link stabilizer Entered into collaboration with LBNL to apply their femtosecond timing/synchronization system to the SPX project. —LBNL’s system should allow stringent timing/synchronization requirements to be met. —Expect LBNL system to contribute less than 20 femtoseconds rms to synchronization errors. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012
Summary Timing/Synchronization (Continued) Installation Plan –SPX0: Start 8/26/13 Complete 12/4/13 –SPX Link Transmitter, Cables, Phase Stabilizers –Start 1/6/15 –Complete 11/9/15 Phase Reference for Cyro #1 –Start 4/23/18 –Complete 5/18/18 Phase Reference for Cyro #2 –Start 12/10/18 –Complete 1/15/19 The total cost is $2664k We are ready for CD2 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December