Performance of Slovenian State-owned enterprises compared to regional peers Peter Pontuch DG Economic and Financial Affairs European Commission International Conference, 17 March 2015, Ljubljana
Background 2 The objective is to study the association between company ownership and performance. Focus on around 2,900 State-controlled companies from eight CEE countries (>25% ownership). Describe differences in financial indicators of SOEs against regional peers' SOEs in the same industry.
SOEs represent a relatively larger share of the corporate sector in Slovenia 3 Share of State-owned firms in sector value added, 2013 (%, based on available ORBIS data)
Slovenian SOEs are among the less profitable ones 4 Return on equity (ROE) of State-owned firms in selected industries, 2013 (%)
Their generally high indebtedness… 5 Debt to EBITDA ratio of State-owned firms in selected industries, 2013 (multiple)
… is in some industries accompanied by low liquidity 6 Current assets to current liabilities ratio of State-owned firms in selected industries, 2013 (pp.)
While investment into non-core assets particularly affects Slovenian SOEs 7 Other fixed assets as a share of total assets of State-owned firms in selected industries, 2013 (%)
Conclusion 8 Slovenian SOEs show generally weaker financial performance in a regional comparison. These results are also confirmed if one compares Slovenian SOEs against their domestic private peers. Possible causes and factors Governance, financing, skills, technology transfers…
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