Co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme Data flow in Natura 2000: the past and the future Current and future data management Diederik.


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Presentation transcript:

co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme Data flow in Natura 2000: the past and the future Current and future data management Diederik Tirry SADL K.U.Leuven

Overview The Natura 2000 Network Data Flow Validating spatial data System architecture DG ENV Intranet Current N2K Reporting Future N2K data flow

The Natura 2000 network 1.79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds SPA (Special Protection Areas) Designated by MS

4 The Natura 2000 network 2. 92/43/EEC and 97/62/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora pSCI SCI Proposed by MS (Sites of Community importance) SAC (Special Areas of Conservation) Approved by EC

Data Flow

Validating spatial data Checking digital spatial data by comparing:  Spatial boundaries  Descriptive information  GISCO Spatial data Focus on:  Occurence of sites (code and name)  Position of centroid of sites (lat/lon)  Area Common problems:  Centroid position far away or close to another site  Area > 5% difference between recorded and calculated value  Anomalies between descriptive and spatial database

Central database UML

System Architecture

N2K at DG ENV: Intranet

(1) Standard Data Form

(2) Generate an overview map

(3) Interactive Site Selection

(4) Historical Maps

Number of uploaded sites (status 31/07/08)

Reporting N2K: complex process Within a member state

Reporting N2K: complex process Between the MS and the EC

Problem statement The data flow process is complex and time consuming  Resulting in discrepancies of information available at EU and MS level  Resulting in not up-to-date information (N+2 > N-2) The data flow process is not fully harmonised (although standard data forms, guidelines, … exist)  Between spatial and non-spatial  Between SCI and SPA  INSPIRE and SEIS can/should/will help

Streamlining reporting N2K Which data flows are concerned?

Streamlining reporting N2K For SEIS it is crucial to have fast updates of high quality data and time related information series in view of monitoring and reporting obligations Expert Group on Reporting under Nature Directives  DG ENV, EEA, ETC/BD, Member States, other experts Purpose:  Prepare a revision of the dataflow regarding Natura 2000 sites (standard data forms and maps) and switch exclusively to electronic data-flow (also in “legal” terms)  Streamline & modernise data flows Standardisation of required content/data Synchronisation of reporting cycles, merging reports Switch to e-Reporting Ensure links between different data-flows & others  Develop ideas for presentation of the data and their analysis to a wide range of users

Streamlining reporting N2K Topics related to Natura 2000: 1.Identification of problems regarding current data-flow 2.Current and future use/purpose of the SDF information 3.What type of information is really needed – could some of the information be deleted? New types of information to be added? 4.Review content of SDF, proposal for revision 5.How can we in future deal with changes more efficiently? 6.Development of technical guidelines for geographic and descriptive information (link with INSPIRE)

Conclusions and further work Natura 2000 is one of the environmental policy areas It is a reporting mechanism With complex data/information flows It will be part of SEIS It will build also on INSPIRE  EU INSPIRE GEO-PORTAL (internal)  EEA public viewer (external) First focus is on streamlining the reporting Followed by New methods to represent information to the policy makers and the public

co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme Thank you for your attention! Questions???