What is CCAMP OpenWater? A Prototype Internet based Open Source Software Toolkit Focused on water quality and quantity assessment and visualization. CCAMP OpenWater is a pile of software gizmos that might be useful beyond the Central Coast. “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler” (Albert Einstein) "If I can't picture it, I can't understand it." (Albert Einstein) CCAMP OpenWater is a software toolkit intended to run in a multi-server cloud environment that provides real-time and scheduled execution data mining,data grooming, statistical analysis, inference reasoning, and data visualization tools.
Why Open Source? Cross platform Open Source Code provides numerous benefits. Reduces system development failure risk Provides access to an international community of developers and international code standards Empowers agency staff, agency users, and development partners Avoids pre-committing the State and others to licensing agreements with sole source commercial vendors. Notes: “Beware of Geeks bearing gifts.” ( Virgil 19 BC ) 1.Commercial software vendors work on the leading edge of technology to provide features no other company has, in order to market their products. 2.The ‘leading edge’ can become the ‘bleeding edge’.
CCAMP Open Source Framework Apache: Basic web server PHP: Automates web and database communication MySQL: Generalized database management system MediaWiki: Collaborative Development and Documentation R : Statistical library and graphics support PostGreSQL: Generalized database management system PostGIS: Automates Geo-Spatial processing FileZilla: File transfer (ftp) support GeoServer: Web mapping support OpenLayers: Web mapping support JPGraph: Web graphing support PHPExcel: File transfers to and from Excel
Data Flow Example CEDEN (future) GeoTracker DPR PUR SWAMP USGS NWIS Water Quality Goals CCAMP Staging Data Tables Web Views The system is intended to use routine automated queries to keep data up-to-date.
Water Quality Data sources Moss Landing Data Warehouse (SWAMP, et al.) USGS National Water Information System GeoTracker National Hydrography Dataset Plus Grant data CEDEN (adapting to new CEDEN design in future)
Data Grooming Synonym Dictionaries Analyte name standardization Units of measurement standardization Matrix standardization QA data filtering Handling of duplicates Handling of probe data
GeoSpatial processing and linking Automated linking of monitoring sites to GIS layers Handling GIS layer idiosyncrasies Linking of land use and other datasets to sites Pesticide use characterization Land Cover characterization Flow and Load estimation
Geospatial Framework USGS National Hydrography Dataset Plus USGS National Hydrography Dataset National Watershed Boundary Dataset National Land Cover Dataset Public Land Survey System Boundaries Bulletin 118 Groundwater Basin Boundaries California Healthy Watersheds (CADMUS)
Statistics and other calculations Calculating exceedances Calculating change Calculating MEQ Summary Statistics Change and Trend detection Various bivariate and multivariate analysis tools Data Scanner for 303(d) - 305(b)
CWA 303(d)-305(b) Data Processing Water Quality Goal Scanning System Compile goals using J. Marshack’s compilation as the baseline Extend goal list to include: USEPA OPP Benchmarks NOAA Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs) Regional Basin Plan Goals Waterbody Specific Goals Site Specific Goals Numeric Threshold Goals that implement Narrative Objectives TMDL compliance point Goals
Link WQ Goals to Waterbodies Establish spatial areas of applicability of goals – Provide web based table upload for updates – Integrate Jeff K’s GIS mapping project?
Scan Water Quality Data Monitoring site scale scanning for Data Navigator, Healthy Watersheds, and TMDLs Waterbody scale scanning for CalWQA and ELEP