SERP’06 A Multi-Role Collaborative Method and Platform for Developing Software Requirements Chin-Yi Tsai and Chua-Huang Huang Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science Feng Chia University Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
SERP’06 2 Outline Introduction Roles and Role Relationship Collaborative Mechanism Collaborative Software Requirements Generation Collaborative Software Requirements Development Process Conclusion
SERP’06 3 Introduction Software development Requirement analysis System analysis System design Implementation Testing Software development method Waterfall Spiral Iterative and incremental RUP XP
SERP’06 4 Introduction (Cont’d) Requirements engineering Goal-oriented KAOS i* NFR framework … Requirements Document
SERP’06 5 Introduction (Cont’d) Communication Collaborative method and platform Multi roles Distributed area
SERP’06 6 Roles and Role Relationship Roles Client representative Stakeholder Client manager Development representative Analyst Development manager Customer sideDeveloper side
SERP’06 7 Roles and Role Relationship (Cont’d) Role relationship Representative-Representative Negotiation Role Relationship Stakeholder-Analyst Collaborative Role Relationship Client representative Development representative StakeholderAnalyst
SERP’06 8 Roles and Role Relationship (Cont’d) Role relationship (Client Manager/Stakeholder)-Development Manager Role Relationship Client Manager-(Development Manager/Analyst) Role Relationship Client manager Development manager Stakeholder Client manager Development manager Analyst
SERP’06 9 Roles and Role Relationship (Cont’d) Role relationship (Client Manager/Stakeholder)-(Development Manager/Analyst) Role Relationship Client Manager-Development Manager Role Relationship Client manager Development manager StakeholderAnalyst Client manager Development manager
SERP’06 10 Collaborative Mechanism Collaborative Services Collaborative Authoring Service Supporting Work Service Integrated Specification Generation Service Collaborative Validation Service
SERP’06 11 Collaborative Mechanism (Cont’d) Collaborative Patterns Single Peer Interaction Multi Peer Interaction
SERP’06 12 Collaborative Mechanism (Cont’d) Collaborative Patterns Single Central Collaboration Multi Central Collaboration
SERP’06 13 Collaborative Software Requirements Generation IEEE std 830 IEEE recommended practice for software requirements specification The pruned SRS template Introduction Functional requirements Non-functional requirements Glossary 1. Introduction 2. Function requirements 3. Non-functional requirements 4. Glossary
SERP’06 14 Collaborative Software Requirements Development Process Role assignment validation Stakeholder authoring Analyst commenting SRS Generation Initial requirements or Refined requirements Comments Final SRS specification
SERP’06 15 Conclusion Communication Two kinds of roles Customer side Developer side Collaborative method and platform for Project management and monitoring
SERP’06 16 Thank You