Professional Collaborative Online Software Collaborative software solutions Axxone ®
Professional Collaborative Online Software Notre mission Our mission Simplifying your missions (and those of your partners and customers)
Professional Collaborative Online Software Notre mission Our specificity One and only publisher having dual competence "Software Engineering" & « Sustainable building requirements » HQE®, H&E®, LEED® (USGBC), LEED® (CBDCa)
Professional Collaborative Online Software Notre mission Our target, as professional software solution architects, is to make your needs become your satisfactions. Your needs, our answers Our goal is to understand your needs, in order to deliver the right professional collaborative solutions which simplify your missions : Axxone®’s Solutions (« catalog », customized or specific) Connected with your own IT system
Professional Collaborative Online Software Benefits: 1.The Building Management System (BMS) 2.Simplification of the implementation and the tracking of the labels requirements 3.Create your own materials data base : management & knowledge capitalization 4.Cost and time savings, decision making support Collaborative Tool to Manage Projects & Documentations in Green Building Labels: LEED, HQE, H&E, BBC…
Professional Collaborative Online Software Benefits: 1.The Building Management System (BMS) 2.Simplification of the implementation and the tracking of the labels requirements 3.Create your own materials data base : management & knowledge capitalization 4.Cost and time savings, decision making support Collaborative Tool to Manage Projects & Documentations in Green Building Labels: LEED, HQE, H&E, BBC…
Professional Collaborative Online Software Online management and edition of MS Office® document Benefits : 1. Time savings while collecting, storing and archiving data 2. Information sharing with respect of your internal processes 3. The right place for everything Just forget the tool to focus your energy on your mission Efficiency, time savings, security, privacy, versioning, Historical
Professional Collaborative Online Software Intranet Internet Creator of Online collaborative and specific software Extranet Users Professional Application Secured Collaborative platform Axxone© Company Users Subsidies Partners Security Based on « customers’ specifications», Axxone System implements business solutions and professional applications on a secured and collaborative platform. Benefits : 1- Cost and Time savings = Strong and Quick ROI 2- Solution adapted to customers requirements 3- Aptitude to work with your process Third-party software
Professional Collaborative Online Software Axxone® Methodology Our commitment is also based on our Quality Process. Our aim : Deliver and implement software and associated services with commitments on : - Cost, - Delivery time, - Quality, - Performance. IDEA PRE- STUDY Partners
Professional Collaborative Online Software The success of our solutions, exclusive or not, developed on the Axxone® platform is based on the following concepts: “plug and play “ solutions designed to be quickly and easily adopted by ALL users Business professional applications designed for all stakeholders (user- friendly & intuitive interface). “Web Site" and "messaging system" interfaces concepts (familiar tools & Ergonomics) Data security (similar to banking systems), internal and external (access rights). Quality and availability 24/7 Axxone® Concepts
Professional Collaborative Online Software They trust us
Professional Collaborative Online Software Thanks for your attention Please visit us : Tel : Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Axxone System. The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted or any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the information contained herein. Axxone System - 96 Bd Vivier Merle Lyon – France -