GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION FACILITY The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF ): The distributed architecture Samy Gaiji Head of Informatics.


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Presentation transcript:

GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY INFORMATION FACILITY The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF ): The distributed architecture Samy Gaiji Head of Informatics GBIF Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2009 Conference 9-13 November

Objectives of this presentation  Expose the challenges faced by GBIF in building a global information network;  Present GBIF distributed architecture strategy;  Introduce the key building components of the GBIF Informatics suite;  Call for participation to the community.

A growing global network… 53 country participants 43 associated participants 53 country participants 43 associated participants

A growing network… 189,4 million records 5% increase/month 8186 data resources 306 data publishers 189,4 million records 5% increase/month 8186 data resources 306 data publishers Million of primary biodiversity records Data publishers

Architecture Publishing Indexing Discovering <1% IPT 3% TAPIR 16% BioCASE 80% DiGIR <1% IPT 3% TAPIR 16% BioCASE 80% DiGIR 80% DwC 18% ABCD 2% others 80% DwC 18% ABCD 2% others 189 M records 8-9 M/month >300 publishers 189 M records 8-9 M/month >300 publishers

A one-stop entry point to data discovery

What are the challenges today? More data types Richer user interface Better management Richer content Better synchronisation Improved discovery Decentralisation is therefore aimed at empowering GBIF Nodes and Participants

What are the key processes? Node Data Publishers Discovering Harvesting Indexing Registry Registering Service Publishers Access

What are the key components? Publishing toolkitHarvesting toolkit Portal toolkitRegistry Registration & Discovery Data flow The GBIF Informatics Suite for Participants

Publishing Component Data Publishers  Provide a robust and user-friendly publishing tool (TAPIR compliant, WFS-WMS, EML etc.),  Improve the existing standards (DwC, DwC Archive) and enable the provision of richer content through extensions for specialised communities,  Support the publishing of more datatypes such as Metadata, Names, etc… The Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)

Harvesting/Indexing component  Provide a tool that will: harvest distributed data publishers using multiple protocols and schemas, harvest multiple datatypes (Primary Biodiversity Data, Metadata, Names), Synchronise with the GBIF Registry (part of the GBRDS), index into a central database. Harvesting Indexing The Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit (HIT)

Registry component  Provide a mechanism that will: provide a registry of organisation and resources (collection), provide a registry of schema and extensions, provide a registry of services and tools.  A compass for all the information networks. Registry The Global Biodiversity Resources Discovery System (GBRDS)

Portal component  Provide a platform that will publish: Primary Biodiversity Data, Names, Metadata.  Design it as a flexible and customisable platform to meet the needs of a variety of community and needs. Node Access The Nodes Portal Toolkit

Where are we today?  Harvesting Indexing Toolkit (HIT)  Global Biodiversity Resources Discovery System (GBRDS) Development/Testing phase  Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) Production phase Planning phase  Node Portal Toolkit (NPT)

Some successful examples… The DarwinCore Germplasm Extension Broadening standards

Some successful examples… The DarwinCore Germplasm Extension Broadening standards DarwinCore Sample acquisition Collecting event Breeding event ‘IPR’ Trait experiment Trait measurement

Some successful examples… The DarwinCore Germplasm Extension Publishing richer content.

Towards decentralisation Global Register of Migratory Species World Database on Protected Areas More data types, Increased content, Better data quality, More participants. More data types, Increased content, Better data quality, More participants. Better discovery, Improved integration. Better discovery, Improved integration. Species richness changes…

A complex challenge…

A call for participation to the community 1.Improving standards (within and across domains); 2.Evaluate/Contribute to the GBIF Informatics Suite; 3.Develop specific use cases (assessing threats to biodiversity, monitor impacts of invasive species, agro- biodiversity…); 4. Actively engage in the decentralisation of the GBIF architecture to meet YOUR needs; 5.Address challenges in data quality and completeness; 6.Constantly monitor data usage and review/prioritise the Informatics developments.

Ask the GBIF Team ! Nick King GBIF Executive Secretary Samy Gaiji Head of Informatics David Remsen Senior Programme Officer for ECAT Vishwas Chavan Senior Programme Officer for DIGIT Éamonn Ó Tuama Senior Programme Officer for IDA Andrea Hahn Data Portal Manager José Miguel Cuadra Morales Programmer Kyle Braak Programmer Markus Döring Senior Programmer

Challenges: broadening data types!