Cactus Computational Frameowork Freely available, modular, environment for collaboratively developing parallel, high- performance multi-dimensional simulations (Component-based) Developed for Numerical Relativity, but now general framework for parallel computing Science driven design issues Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
SCALE 2009 (I) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology LSU black hole demo using Cactus-Carpet computational infrastructure and the McLachlan code generated with Kranc won the first prize at the SCALE 2009 challenge at CCGrid09.
SCALE 2009 (II) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
CFD Toolkit (I) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology Built upon the Cactus computational framework. Collected and reorganized the code to abstract out a common interface. Developed a toolkit providing the interface and some basic algorithms Ported the numerical kernel to make use of the Cactus computational framework Helped and trained students and developer in individual groups to get used to large scale collaborative software development
CFD Toolkit (II) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
Oil Spill Simulation (I) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology One of the High Performance Computing (HPC) R & D demonstration projects for oil spill disaster response supported by LONI The goals are –implementation of a particle model in Cactus –coupling with ADCIRC-SWAN data from Prof. Chen's coastal modeling group at LSU. –visualization of oil spills, wind and ocean current
Oil Spill Simulation (II) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
Oil Spill Simulation (III) Take the ocean current and wind field from ADCIRC. Enable particle tracking within Cactus using HPC at LONI. Ready to couple with other coastal modeling codes. Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
UCoMs (I) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology The UCoMS research aims to develop and deploy a Ubiquitous Computing and Monitoring System (UCoMS) for discovery and management of energy resources. Scientific areas involved: –Wireless and sensor network systems –Grid computing and storage –Petrolium engineering (e.g. reservoir simulation) –High performance computing –Workflow and dataflow management
UCoMs (II) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
CaKernel (I) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology A programming framework for large scale applications involving stencil computations –Supporting MPI+CUDA/OpenCL integration –Automatic code generation via sets of highly optimized CUDA and OpenCL templates.
CaKernel (II) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
CaFUNWAVE (I) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology Ported from a matured community code FUNWAVE FUNWAVE is a phase-resolving, time- stepping Boussinesq model for ocean surface wave propagation in the nearshore. The latest FUNWAVE uses total variation diminishing method and shock capturing scheme
CaFUNWAVE (II) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology
CaFUNWAVE (III) Center CCT: Center for Computation & Technology Gaussian hump test