1 CONTRIBUTING TO REGIONAL SECURITY Presentation by the Secretary General of GUAM Ambassador Valeri Chechelashvili 2009 Annual Security Review Conference Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna, Austria, June 2009
ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM EVOLUTION I. GUAM Group – established 10 October 1997 II. GUUAM Association – created 7 June 2001 (in included also the Republic of Uzbekistan) III. Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM – instituted as a regional organization since 23 May 2006 MEMBER STATES The Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine CONCEPT Initial priorities – including, inter alia, those related to ensuring a secure and effective functioning of a Europe-Caucasus-Asia GUAM Transport Corridor, peaceful settlement of protracted conflicts as well as creating GUAM FTA – were extended at the Baku 2007 GUAM Summit towards the CREATION OF A COMMON SPACE OF INTEGRATION AND SECURITY IN THE GUAM AREA 2
MAIN PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OF GUAM Promoting democratic values, securing the rule of law and respect for human rights Ensuring sustainable development Strengthening international and regional security and stability Deepening European integration for the establishment of common security space as well as broadening economic and humanitarian cooperation Developing social-economic, transport, energy, scientific-technical, and humanitarian potential of the Parties Intensifying political interaction and practical cooperation in spheres of mutual interest The GUAM Member States are guided by the principles of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of the states, inviolability of their internationally recognized borders and non-interference into their internal affairs as well as other universally recognized principles and norms of international law. 3 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM
4 COUNCIL Council of the Heads of State Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs Council of National Coordinators Council of Permanent Representatives SECRETARIAT Secretary General Program Coordinators 4 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE WORKING & AUXILIARY BODIES ECONOMIC WG Economy & Trade WG Transport WG Energy WG Information Technologies Trade & Transport Facilitation Project Financial Experts HUMANITARIAN WG Culture, Science & Education WG Tourism LAW-ENFORCEMENT & SECURITY WG Terrorism, Organized Crime & Drug Trafficking Sub-WG Drug Trafficking Sub-WG Trade-in-Persons & Illegal Migration Sub-WG Terrorism Sub-WG Corruption and Money Laundering Virtual Law Enforcement Centre / IIMS WG Emergencies Border Guard Authorities MFA Experts Consular Services Branch Working Groups Working Sub-Groups Institutional Projects Other Mechanisms CHAIRMANSHIP By one of the Parties in rotation in the order of English alphabet, as a rule, for one year term
5 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM Decisions in GUAM bodies are adopted with participation of all Parties on the basis of CONSENSUS by achieving agreement without voting DECISION MAKING POLITICAL COOPERATION CONSULTATIONS CHS addresses the most pressing international issues and takes corresponding decisions or recommendations as well as decides on GUAM interaction with other states and international organisations CMFA holds consultations in the field of foreign policy on the issues of mutual interest COMMON POSITION The Provisional Procedure of Agreeing on GUAM Joint Statements (4 December 2006) determines the order and mechanisms of getting agreement on joint statements and speeches on behalf of GUAM INTERACTION WITHIN INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS Interaction of GUAM Member States Missions to other IOs is carried out in accordance with Joint Action Plans adopted by CMFA United Nations OSCE & other IOs in Vienna Council of Europe European Union UNESCO UN Office & other IOs in Geneva GUAM – Czech Republic GUAM – Japan GUAM – Poland GUAM – United States GUAM – IRU (International Road Union) PARTNER RELATIONS
6 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM GUAM COMMON POSITION ON REGIONAL SECURITY AND PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF PROTRACTED CONFLICTS Joint Communiqué. Meeting of the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (Strasbourg, 10 October 1997) Statement of the Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan (Washington, 24 April 1999) New York Memorandum of the Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan (6 September 2000) Declaration on Joint Efforts to Ensure Stability and Security in the Region (Yalta, 20 July 2002) The Chisinau Declaration of the GUUAM Heads of State “In the Name of Democracy, Stability and Development” (Chisinau, 22 April 2005) Joint Declaration of the Heads of State of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM on the Issue of Conflict Settlement (Kyiv, 23 May 2006) Statement of the GUAM Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs in connection with a “referendum” in Transnistria region of the Republic of Moldova (New York, 25 September 2006) Joint Statement of the GUAM Member States regarding the Georgian-Russian relations (16 October 2006) Joint Statement by the GUAM Member States regarding a referendum planned in the Tskhinvali Region/ South Ossetia, Georgia (8 November 2006) Baku Declaration “GUAM: Bringing continents together” (19 June 2007) Batumi Declaration “GUAM – Integrating Europe’s East” (1 July 2008)
MAJOR GUAM AGREEMENTS ON LAW-ENFORCEMENT, CUSTOMS, CROSS-BORDER, EMERGENCIES AND CONSULAR COOPERATION Convention on Mutual Rendering of Assistance in Consular Matters (7 June 2001) Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Combat Against Terrorism, Organized Crime, Drug Trafficking and Other Dangerous Types of Crimes (20 July 2002) Framework GUUAM-USA Program on Facilitation of Trade and Transportation, Securing Border and Customs Control and Combating Terrorism, Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking (7 December 2002) Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Prevention of Emergencies and Elimination of Their Effects (4 July 2003) Agreement on Establishing GUUAM Virtual Centre on Combat Against Terrorism, Organized Crime, Drug Trafficking and Other Dangerous Types of Crime and GUUAM Interstate Information Management System (IIAS) (4 July 2003) Protocol on Cooperation of Border Guard Authorities (4 July 2003) Agreement on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation in Customs Matters (4 July 2003) Memorandum of Understanding on Trade and Transportation Facilitation (4 July 2003) Protocol on Cooperation between Operational Agencies of Border Guard Authorities (22 May 2006) Memorandum on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Matters Related to Nuclear and Radiation Security (19 June 2007) Protocol to the Agreement… of 20 July 2002 [on exchange of information with classified level of restricted access within the GUAM IIMS] (4 December 2008) 7 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM
GUAM LAW-ENFORCEMENT STRATEGY Harmonization and improvement of legislation Working out of projects and measures to improve coordination between law- enforcement agencies Development and improvement of relevant methods, means and mechanisms Extension of analytical aspects of cooperation Render assistance in organizing operational interoperability 8 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM GUAM VIRTUAL LAW-ENFORCEMENT CENTRE OBJECTIVES To support GUAM Member States’ joint efforts in combating terrorism, organized crime, transnational and cross-border crime as well as their law-enforcement cooperation in order to facilitate trade and transportation To accomplish tasks envisaged by the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Combat against Terrorism, Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crimes of 20 July 2002 To create conditions in order to prevent the use of the GUAM Transport Corridor for terrorist, extremist and criminal purposes
Anti-Terrorist Centre GUAM National Law-Enforcement CentreNational Information Analytic Centre SECI / GUAM National Virtual Centre GUAM VIRTUAL LAW-ENFORCEMENT CENTRE STRUCTURE Georgia Republic of Moldova Republic of Azerbaijan Ukraine Protected Internet National Inter-Agency Group 9 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM
11 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM COMPOSITION OF GUAM MEMBER STATES NATIONAL INTER-AGENCY GROUPS & INFORMATION ANALYTIC CENTERS The Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of National Security State Tax Committee Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Border Guard Service Office of Prosecutor General Ukraine Security Service Ministry of Internal Affairs Administration of State Border Guard Service Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Customs Service State Tax Administration The Republic of Moldova Ministry of Internal Affairs Customs Service Information & Security Service Border Guard Service Centre for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption Georgia Ministry of Internal Affairs
GUAM VLEC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITY 12 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM JOINT OPERATIONS (COORDINATED OPERATIONAL MEASURES) 2006 HARMONY (DT) CHIMERA (TIP) 2007 NARCOSTOP-2007 (DT) INTERCEPTION-2007 (TIP) 2008 NARCOSTOP-2 (DT) NARCOSTOP-3 (DT) INTERCEPTION-2 (TIP) INTERCEPTION-3 (TIP) Participation in Counter Terrorist Exercises 2009 NARCOSTOP-2009 (DT) June INTERCEPTION-2009 (TIP) September* EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Investigation of Illegal migration cases Verification of transport vehicles & relevant documents Examination of commercial agents activities Search of persons Identification of persons & confirmation of their identity Examination of validity of official documents Verification of stolen or lost fire arms DT – Drug Trafficking TIP – Trade-in-Persons
13 ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – GUAM IMPLEMENTING THE FRAMEWORK GUAM-USA PROGRAM ON FACILITATION OF TRADE AND TRANSPORTATION, SECURING BORDER AND CUSTOMS CONTROL AND COMBATING TERRORISM, ORGANIZED CRIME AND DRUG TRAFFICKING CUSTOMS CONTROLBORDER CONTROLLAW-ENFORCEMENTSTATUS IMPLEMENTED ON-GOING WORKING OUT 2006 Trade and Transportation Facilitation Project Improvement of Methodology & Technology of Border Control along the GUAM Transport Corridor Border Control Vehicles Checking Establishing GUAM VLEC and IIMS Trainings in Combating Drug Trafficking Trainings in Combating Trade-in-Persons Modernization of National Information Analytic Centres & Protection of IIMS Trainings in Combating Money Laundering Trainings in Combating Terrorism