Notebook Guide
Please set up pg. 53A in your notebook like this. Title it Industrializing Japan. EnglandJapan Geography Technology Natural Resources Education Transportation Labor Force As you read about the industrialization of Japan, fill out the Japan side of the chart. Then use what you know, your notes and book to fill out the England side.
Title:Main Idea/Detail- Outline Practice Open your notebook to Pg. 54A and copy this list: TreesSnowIce CrystalsGreen WhiteLeavesBranchesFur BearFlowersPinkFruit ColdTeethBarkSharp Now find the connections between these words. Circle words and draw lines between words that are related. Like this: TreesSnowIce CrystalsGreen WhiteLeavesBranchesFur BearFlowersPinkFruit ColdTeethBarkSharp Notice: Sharp connects to teeth, not fur… What does this look like? You are right! It looks like a bubble graph!
Title:Main Idea/Detail- Outline Practice Now we want to create an outline. Outlines are organized like this: I.Main Idea A.Detail 1.Specific B.Detail 1. Specific 2.Specific I.Main Idea A.Detail 1.Specific B.Detail 1. Specific 2.Specific The indentations and numbers of an outline have meaning. Indentations mean This thing describes or explains the thing above. The numbers show the level of detail. The bigger the number type (Roman Numeral, Capitals) the more general the information (this makes it the main idea) The smaller the number type (lower case, regular numbers,) the more specific the information. So, in this example: A and B explain or describe I and the first 1 explains or describes A while the second 1 and 2 explain or describe B
Title:Main Idea/Detail- Outline Practice Bubble graphs are related to outlines. They show the same information: Main ideas and their supporting explanations, details and specifics. TreesSnowIce CrystalsGreen WhiteLeavesBranchesA. Fur I. BearFlowersPinkFruit ColdB. TeethBark1. Sharp Now you try it with the other examples….Turn your bubble graphs into Outlines…
Does yours look like this? I. Trees A. Leaves 1. Green B. Branches 1. Bark C. Fruit D. Flowers 1. Pink OR I. Snow A. Ice Crystals B. White C. Cold OR I. Bear A. Fur B. Teeth 1. Sharp I. Trees A. Bark B. Branches 1. Leaves a. Green 2. Fruit 3. Flowers a. Pink I. Snow A. Ice Crystals 1. Cold B. White
Please set up your notes in the Cornell notes form on Pg. 55A of your notebook. Title these notes: Core and Periphery Write the ASQ and BSQ questions on the left side of the notes and answer them on the right side. Dont forget to do the Summary at the end of the day! Name: Core/Periphery Key Words, ???Notes, diagrams, charts VocabDefinition Summary:
Video on Evolution Video on Evolution Copy the following chart on pg. 56A in your notebook to take notes on Evolution while we watch the video! DefineGive Examples Evolution: Survival of the Fittest: Natural Selection: Title: Evolution and Social Darwinism Please do not talk at this timeJan 23 HW: Finish your Introduction to Imperialism Assignment Also: Turn in your map question Answers!
Pg. 57A:To what Extent/Degree To What Extent/Degree- this phrase is asking you to show the percentage something is related to something else. For example: To what degree is Lost a good TV show? It SucksIts OKIts Great! 0%50%100% You decide, according to your own criteria for a great TV show, where Lost falls on the line. You explain your criteria and how Lost meets it or does not meet it to explain your placement.
Now do it with Imperial Motives On Pg 57B draw a line like this: Not JustifiedVery Justified Where would you place each of the 5 Motives? Use the cards to put the motives down on the line. Decide why you placed each one where you did. Share out with the class….
Please do not talk at this timeJan 30 Look at your homework for last night. Then answer these questions on Pg. 58 A. African Resistance What do you feel was the single greatest disadvantage African peoples faced in defending themselves against the invading Europeans? How did the idea of Social Darwinism help the Europeans be successful in Africa? When you are done, make sure your names are on the FRONT of you poster. No Homework
Scene of the Massacre of British Women and Children in Cawnpore I never was more horrified. The place was one mass of blood. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that the soles of my boots were more than covered with the blood of these poor wretched creatures. Portions of their dresses, collars, childrens socks and ladies hats lay about, saturated with their blood; and in the sword cuts on the wooden pillars of the room, long dark hair was carried by the edge of the weapon…. ….Their bodies were afterwards dragged out and thrown down a well outside the building where their limbs were to be seen sticking out in a mass of gory confusion. Please use APPARTS on pg. 59A in your notebook to analyze this document. Significance Question: How does attacking women and children help the Sepoy cause?
Pg 60A African Motives Chart Handout