Company LOGO Library 2.0 At Your Library Region 4, June 22, 2007 By Dr. Barry M. Bishop
Example overview of Web 2.0 The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) 4:33 minutes yXT_ghttp:// yXT_g
Introductions Me You
Overview History What is Library 2.0? Why is it important? Examples
History Web 2.0 –Tim O'ReillyTim O'Reilly –2004 Library 2.0 –Michael Casey on his blog LibraryCrunchLibraryCrunch –2005
What is Library 2.0 Web 2.0 –An attitude not a technology Library 2.0 –participative –work for the user –modular –sharing –communication –facilitating community Serve our patrons better
Why is it important? ELA TEKS –110.5 (3.5) Reading/word identification. The student uses a variety of word identification strategies. The student is expected to (B) read from a variety of genres [for pleasure and] to acquire information [from both print and electronic sources] (2–3). – (8) Reading/variety of texts. The student reads extensively and intensively for different purposes and in varied sources, including American literature. The student is expected to (B) read in varied sources such as diaries, journals, textbooks, maps, newspapers, letters, speeches, memoranda, [electronic texts, and other media]; and
Why is it important? TA TEKS – (c) (4) Information acquisition. The student uses a variety of strategies to acquire information from electronic resources, with appropriate supervision. The student is expected to: (A) use strategies to locate and acquire desired information on LANs and WANs, including the Internet, intranet, and collaborative software;
Why is it important? School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for TexasSchool Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas –Standard III, Principle 3. The librarian employs existing and emerging technologies to access, evaluate, and disseminate information for integration into instructional programs. (Correlates to the NBPTS Library Media Standards Standard II, III, IV, V, VI) In the following Program Development stages, the librarian:NBPTS Library Media Standards Standard II, III, IV, V, VI
SLJ Summit Nov Student Centered (really!) Joan Frye Williams mit/pres/02JoanFryeWilliams.ppt mit/pres/02JoanFryeWilliams.ppt
Excellent Example Overview Creative 2.0 Learning eative-web-20-learning/1http:// eative-web-20-learning/1 70 slides
Example of Web 2.0 blogs, wikis, podcasts, and second life “ An introduction to Web 2.0 and Language Learning for teachers ” 7:30 minutes hp?viewkey= b52fc7afbb696http:// hp?viewkey= b52fc7afbb696
Example of elementary students blogging “ Why Let our Students Blog? ” 1:55 minutes hp?viewkey=be6ec9b852b0a542e2f3http:// hp?viewkey=be6ec9b852b0a542e2f3
Example Web 2.0 Kid Style web-20-kids-style/ web-20-kids-style/ 24 slides
Example during break Meredith's Top technology trends MeredithsTopTechTrends705.swf MeredithsTopTechTrends705.swf arianmer- MeredithsTopTechTrends705.swf /Libr arianmer- MeredithsTopTechTrends705.swf Maybe close to 20 minutes
How we got here? Pre web –Selection of materials –Organization of materials
Then Web (1.0) –Integration of technology into Library instruction –Integration of TEKS into Library instruction
Now Web 2.0 –New tools that allow (demands) users participate in the technology environment Library 2.0 –Student Centered or students participate in the creation of knowledge
Future Web 3D –Three dimensional participation by users Second Life –Students participate in simulated learning environments and contribute. –Interim step before the “Holodeck” from Star Trek.
Blogs 1 st read professional blogs –Vaughn’s blogVaughn’s blog –Barry’s Shared feedBarry’s Shared feed 2 nd read blogs where students participate –Terry’s blogTerry’s blog –Liz’s Book Review DatabaseLiz’s Book Review Database 3 rd create a blog –Vaughn’s PowerPointVaughn’s PowerPoint
Wikis 1 st read professional Wikis –Barry’s Wikis in blogrollWikis in blogroll –Librarians Wikis (including Spring Branches)Spring Branches 2 nd read Wikis where students participate –Vaughn’s Wikis in blogrollWikis in blogroll 3 rd create a Wiki –Barry’s PowerPointBarry’s PowerPoint Examples:
Example of Wiki A Wiki teaching about Wikis
Podcasts 1 st learn how to find and then listen to podcasts by Librarians –podcast findingpodcast finding –Librarian’s podcasts (including Spring Branches: Karen Rodger’s)Librarian’s podcasts 2 nd listen to podcasts by students –Student podcastStudent podcast 3 rd create a podcast (Audacity) –Liz’s PowerPointLiz’s PowerPoint
Images 1 st learn how to search and find images –FlickrFlickr –Difference between Flickr and Kodac 2 nd manage images –PicasaPicasa 3 rd create screen casts –Photo Story
Video 1 st learn how to find video’s –YouTubeYouTube –TeacherTubeTeacherTube –BlinxBlinx 2 nd link to and use videos 3 rd create your own –Moviemaker –New digital video cameras
Other tools SlideShare Google labs Current Best Web 2.0 – WOW! /10/best_of_the_bes.html /10/best_of_the_bes.html
Exemplary sites List of Library web sites that use Web 2.0 tools Allen County Public Library Nashville Public Library web.asp web.asp
Thoughts a-hypothetical/ a-hypothetical/ –An example of 1.0 and 2.0 solutions to a problem.
Where to learn more 15 minutes a day Library 2.0 Ning ?id=515108%3ABlogPost%3A ?id=515108%3ABlogPost%3A30994 K12 Online Conference k12-online-conference-keynotes- announced/ k12-online-conference-keynotes- announced/
Learning cont
Closure What have you learned? What will you do?
Extra Example Blog posting about Gaming in Libraries s/2007/06/18/gaming_and_libraries_symp osium_enthusiasm_3.htmlhttp:// s/2007/06/18/gaming_and_libraries_symp osium_enthusiasm_3.html
Extra Example Going Social: Librarians bag of tricks social-the-librarians-bag-of-tricks/ social-the-librarians-bag-of-tricks/ 26 slides
Extra Example Exploring Libraries (…and Our Users) in the Web 2.0 Realm – libraries-and-our-users-in-the-web-20-realm /1http:// libraries-and-our-users-in-the-web-20-realm /1 –81 slides