Web 2.0 and Social Media Whittney Smith, Ed.D. Dear Teacher, Calling me by name is a start, but how about knowing what I'm interested in learning more about? Know me to reach me. ~Student
Web 2.0 “Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are expected to replace desktop computing applications for many purposes.“ Wikipedia
Social Media Blogs Wikis Podcasts and Screencasts Twitter B.Y.O.D.
Blogs A frequently updated website, automatically archived. (e.g. Blogger) Blogger Easily updated using any web browser connected to the Internet. An online journal or newsletter, consisting of personal thoughts & commentary (e.g. Cool Cat Teacher)Cool Cat Teacher Blogs include links to articles and websites. Most blogs allow readers to leave comments on posts. Blogs can be authored by an individual or by multiple authors.
Wikis "A wiki is a web application that allows users to add content, as on an Internet forum, but also allows anyone to edit the content. Wiki also refers to the collaborative software used to create such a website” Wikipedia
Podcasts... and Screencasts ) Podcasting, made from Apple's "iPod" and "broadcasting", is a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically by subscription, usually at no cost. It first became popular in late 2004, used largely for audio files." Wikipedia
Twitter... Uses: ➡ Effectively communicate with stakeholders ➡ Establish a consistent public relations platform ➡ Develop a presence that promises value ➡ Authentically engage students in the learning process ➡ Provide cost-effective professional development that is meaningful "If you are the smartest one in the room, you need a bigger room. That's Twitter."
Twitter... PD #Edchat — Conversations surround various education topics and trends. Participants vote on the weekly topics. noon-1 p.m. and 7-8 p.m. on Tuesdays. #PTchat — Parent/teacher chat focuses on improving home-school partnerships. Wednesdays from 9-10 p.m. #Satchat — Similar to #edchat, #satchat conversations revolve around a variety of educational topics and trends. Saturdays at 7:30-8:30 a.m. 60 examples of Twitter in the Classroom
BYOD Top 10 I. Cost effective II. Interactive education III. Differentiated instruction is easier IV. Bridges the gap between home and school V. Manageable with proper rules VI. A classroom time saver VII. Engaged learners are better learners VIII. Can engage experts outside the classroom IX. Becoming the norm at the workplace X. Experts are predicting the death of the personal computer
B.Y.O.D. “We had to give up a certain amount of control in order to successfully implement a bring-your-own- device program where students are granted access to the school's wireless network during the day using their computing devices. We also had to trust they would use their mobile learning devices (e.g. cell phones) responsibly as a tool for learning in certain classes using free programs such as Poll Everywhere. The result has been an increase in student engagement, enthusiasm towards learning, and mutual respect amongst students and staff.” (Eric Sheninger)Poll Everywhere