LOCAL BUFFER SUPPORT PROGRAM 1 May 2014 MAV. Liveability, growth and waste As Melbourne continues to grow, we need secure the right mix of resource recovery.


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Presentation transcript:


Liveability, growth and waste As Melbourne continues to grow, we need secure the right mix of resource recovery and landfill facilities Population growth causes waste generation to grow Each year it is projected that Melbourne’s: population will grow by 1.5% waste will grow by 1.6% By , we may need to manage 17 million tonnes of waste for a city of around 6 million people Our planning system will play a vital role in finding and securing the infrastructure we need to continue protecting our environment and public health

Our planning challenge Population growth also drives the need for housing, industry, and other essential services This puts pressure on: existing waste facilities the buffer distances needed to protect surrounding communities from waste operations It’s critical that we work to prevent sensitive uses from encroaching on buffer distances Because when they do, the ongoing viability of facilities is put at risk

Procurement Growth Area / Green Wedge Local Government Waste Policies Linking waste, resource recovery and land use planning Land Use Policies Draft Metro Strategic Plan Draft SWRRIP April 2013 Sept 2013 Plan Melbourne Oct 2013 Sept 2013

Defining the problem: Buffer distances Maintenance of appropriate buffer distances to sensitive uses is being challenged Lack of buffer can cause poor amenity, odour & creates risks Closure of facilities could in negatively impact on business confidence, investment & local government services

The Local Buffer Support Program A four year, $1.46 million Government program to ensure the protection of sites by appropriate buffers Support and empower metropolitan local government to respond to planning challenges and opportunities articulated in policies Understand the unique challenges of study sites, the needs of local government, industry and community Develop and use a suite of practical tools that can be used to address our buffer challenge And in doing so, help secure the best, long-term environmental, economic and public health benefits for our community

Buffer Support Program Established a State and Local Government Action Group to support project Map and document existing planning controls and buffer distances and site needs for the initial priority waste and resource recovery facility sites Document and understand the range of existing tools and controls, planning/ non planning Consult with community and local government to apply tools and controls Establish case studies/templates

Timelines Action Group Review and develop an agreed suite of solutions at key Metropolitan priority sites Key regional sites review and implementation of agreed suite of solutions Develop and consult on general suite of solutions and implemented across local government

What we’ve heard Through the consultation process for our Strategic Plan councils and industry have given broad support for need to identify protect and maintain buffers Stakeholders expect a process that delivers: clear guidelines/tools clarity and certainty understanding how a buffer can be used involves community education and engagement throughout process protect buffers to existing facilities plan new sites with buffers established

What we have learnt to date Statutory weight and linking necessary Planning Scheme Controls (VPPS) Development of Particular Provision for Transfer stations and Material Recovery Plan Melbourne focus on waste and resource recovery (Plan for better waste management and resource recovery (5.8) & reference Getting full Value & our Strategic Plan) Growth Area Plans include buffer and siting requirements Current PPF review incorporates waste and resource recovery

What we have learnt to date Relationships essential for success Building strong relationships across waste and planning at State and Local Government levels Work with industry and waste service providers Build an understanding of the problems and solutions Local Government waste and planning teams need to talk through problems and find practical solutions that meet both their needs

What we have learnt Community engagement essential Community need continuous communication and engagement on our planning of existing and new sites, waste services and infrastructure There are strong community concerns around landfills, odour and amenity Community need assurances that public health and environment issues are being considered

THANK YOU Vanessa Petrie Michelle Lee Web: mwmg.vic.gov.au