Mapping Maycomb To Kill a Mockingbird
Take Notes You will be creating a Map of Maycomb based on the notes you take while reading To Kill a Mockingbird.
There are over 50 places & events you can include on your Map!
Maycomb Tribune Meridian Highway Methodist Church Morphodite O.K. Café Old Saurum Outhouse(s) Pecan trees Post office Radley Railroad Red geraniums Reynolds Rivers Robinson Side Street Sykes Tate Tim Johnson Tree house Tyndall's V.J. Elmore's Zeebo Atkinson Atticus Office Auditorium Avery Bank Baptist church Barber Shop Barker's Eddy Calpurnia Camilla Garden Caroline Cemetery Collard Patch(es) Courthouse Crawford Deas Deer Pasture Dew Drop Inn Dubose Dump Ewell Finch Finch's Landing Fire First Purchase M.E. Fish Pond Football fields Garden(s) Grade school Harris Haverford High school Jacobs Jail Jitney Jungle Knothole Lamppost Little Lula Main Residential Street
So…take GOOD notes!
You’ll need ‘em…
To make your OWN Map
It may take a couple of tries to get everything in the right place…
But keep at it!
You may even get desperate and look for help online, but I’ll be honest: these maps won’t help you pass….
Plus, breaking Copyright Law will result in an instant ZERO.
Just do your best and don’t slack…. at all…. ever Just do your best and don’t slack….at all….ever. That’s the definition of “Do Your Best”….
You May Surprise Yourself!
You Will Be Graded On: Detailed Notes Professionalism Originality Map Drafts Accurate Page #s Time Management Deductive Reasoning
The Inevitable Question: Why are we doing this?
This assignment encourages you to read carefully, take good notes, and then use your notes to help understand the setting of the book. Plus, this long-term project requires time-management and organizational skills. Oh, yeah….and because I’m a challenging teacher and this is a BIG grade! HUGE BIG
Don’t panic too much though… As long as you keep up with your notes, this project can be a lot of fun!