Review activity: Birth Control Methods Fly swatter game 2 teams On the next slide you will see a wide variety of terms. Each team will have one representative holding a fly swatter. You will be read a definition and it is up to your team representative to use the fly swatter to “swat” the term that best fits the definition Change players after each round The team with the highest points wins
Emergency Contraceptive Pill Spermicide The Sponge Abstinence Male Condom The Shot (Depo) Female Condom The Pill Tubal Sterilization The Ring Hormonal Diaphragm The Stick Emergency Contraceptive Pill Abstinence-Not having sexual intercourse Male Condom- Covers penis, stops sperm, protects against STIs Female Condom- Lines the vagina and stops sperm, protects against STIs Hormonal- type of BC that stops ovulation and sperm, requires a prescription The Pill- Hormonal BC taken the same time each day The Stick- Hormonal BC inserted under the skin for 3 years The Ring- Hormonal BC inserted in the vagina for 3 weeks The shot- Hormonal BC given every 12 weeks The Patch- Hormonal BC attached to the skin for a week Emergency Contraceptive Pills- works within 5 days of sexual intercourse to stop ovulation and implantation Spermicide- Kills sperm The Sponge- Barrier BC that covers the cervix, can only be used once Diaphragm- Barrier BC that covers the cervix, can be used more than once if cleaned IUD- Stops sperm, inserted in the uterus by a clinician and can last many years Natural Family Planning- Tracking the ovulation cycle Vasectomy- makes a man permanently sterile Tubal Sterilization- Makes a woman permanently sterile by closing off the fallopian tubes Spermicide The Sponge Natural Family Planning IUD Vasectomy 2
Sexually Transmitted Diseases OR Sexually Transmitted Infections
Brainstorm What do you already know about STDs/STIs? Think Pair Share
STDs or STIs Curable: Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Pubic Lice Treatable: Herpes HPV (Genital Warts) Hepatitis B HIV/AIDS Bacteria Insect Virus
Chlamydia Symptoms Consequences Unusual Discharge Pain to Urinate Pain in Pelvis NONE! Consequences Pass to Sex Partner Pass to Baby PID Infertility
Gonorrhea Symptoms Consequences Unusual Discharge Pain to Urinate Pain in Pelvis NONE! Consequences Pass to Sex Partner Pass to Baby PID Infertility Heart Problems Blindness Skin Disease Arthritis
Syphilis Symptoms Consequences Stage 1: Stage 2: Pass to Sex Partner Painless sores on mouth or genitals, which go away!!! Stage 2: Rash Flu-like symptoms Consequences Pass to Sex Partner Pass to Baby Heart Problems Blindness Brain Damage Death
Pubic Lice Symptoms Itching Consequences Pass to Others
Herpes Symptoms Consequences Painful Blisters on mouth or genitals which go away & recur Flu-like symptoms Itching Burning Consequences Pass to Sex Partner & through Genital skin to skin touch Pass to Baby
HPV (Genital Warts) Symptoms Consequences Painless Bumpy warts on genitals Itching Burning Consequences Pass to Sex Partner & through Genital skin to skin touch Pass to Baby Recurring Warts Another HPV may cause cervical cancer
Hepatitis B Symptoms Consequences Flu-like Symptoms Fatigue Jaundice Dark Urine Light Feces Consequences Pass to Others Pass to Sex Partner Pass to Baby Pass via Needles Liver Damage Death
Sores or Bumps on Genitals Symptoms of STDs Itching & Burning Pain during Urination Pain in Pelvic Area Unusual Discharge Sores or Bumps on Genitals Flu-Like Symptoms
If you ever have these symptoms, Symptoms of STDs If you ever have these symptoms, &/or you have ever had unprotected sex… See a Doctor ASAP to Get Tested !!!
Remember With some STDs, most cases, show NO noticeable symptoms!!!
3-2-1 Activity 3- New things you learned today 2- Ways in which your behavior and decisions were impacted by today’s information 1- Question you have that was not answered