STRATEGY MAP M A N R O Goal : Eradicate Poverty in Opol
Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Financial Perspective Financial Perspective Internal Process Internal Process Learning & Growth Learning & Growth To increase production To increase income To increase cost efficiency in implementing Agricultural Programs/Projects To establish an in-house research for agri development To effectively link with other government/non government agencies To effectively link with other government/non government agencies To develop demonstration farms To develop demonstration farms To enhance AT & HDPs Skill on Coop Organizing; Agri Research, Management & Production; Project Proposal Making Field of Specialization and Agri Marketing To recognize innovations and performance in Agri Production/Management/ Marketing To recognize innovations and performance in Agri Production/Management/ Marketing To realign personnel based on program/project requirement & performance MANRO Strategy Map To outsource funding of agri projects & programs To outsource funding of agri projects & programs To seek support from other key stakeholders To seek support from other key stakeholders To strengthen cooperative organizations To strengthen cooperative organizations
OBJECTIVESMeasuresTargetInitiative 1.To increase income of extremely poor farmers 2. To increase production 3. To strengthen coop organizations Increase incomeFrom 5,000-7,000 Annually 10% Annual Average 15% Annual Average 20% Annual Average 50% Increase 10% Increase Annual Average 1.Technical Assistance 2. Input/Capital Assistance 3. Marketing Assistance 4. Coop Membership Training & CDA Registration 5.Coop Organizational and Management Enhancement 6.Additional Livelihood Program 7.Study & Replicate Best Practices 8.Demo Farm Yield Area Livestock Inland Fish Increase of Number of Active Registered Coops Increase of Patronage & Dividend Refund
OBJECTIVESMeasuresTargetInitiative 1.To outsource agri programs/Projects 2. To increase cost efficiency in implementing Agri programs/projects 3. To seek support from other key stakeholders Number of Funding Institutions Cost of Training Cost Sharing 1 Per Major Project/Program 0 Increase of Cost 20% Barangay 20% Province 60% Municipal 1)Project Proposal Submission 2) Agri Investment Fora & Conferences 3) In-House Research & Teaching Materials Development 4) FFS Classes 5) Formation of Teaching Farmers 6) Barangay Annual Budget 7) Demonstration Farms 8) Study & Replicate Best Practices
OBJECTIVESMeasuresTargetInitiative 1.To establish an in- house research 2.To effectively link with government & non-government agencies 3. To develop demonstration farms 4. To provide support for production, management and marketing Individual Output per Technician Per Project One Per Crop No. of Training No. of Buying Station Input Support 1 Per Quarter Per Technician Technical Support Funding Support Capacity Building Support 100% Productivity 100% Sustainability 100% Replicability One Training Per Farmer Per Cropping One per Barangay One per Cropping 1)Quarterly Farmers’ Conference 2)Monitoring of Production 4) Membership in Agri Network 5) Submission of Project Proposals 6) In-House Research & Production of Farmers’ Teaching & Learning Guides 7) Submission of Project Proposals 8) Information System (SAFDZ, CBMS, MBN, etc.) 9) Study & Replicate Best Practices
OBJECTIVESMeasuresTargetInitiative 1.To enhance AT skills on community organizing, research, etc. 2.To recognize innovations & performance 3. To align personnel based on program/project requirement & qualifications No. of Trainings Competence Rating No. of Effective Innovations No. of Awards Alignment 100% Participation Highly Competent One Per Quarter Once a Year Per Employee Recognition from Outside 100% 1)In-House Training 2)Outsource Training 3)Sharing Type 4)Anecdotal Report 5)Awards System 6)Awards from Outside 7)Development of Teaching & Learning Guides 8)Review of Functions 9)Review of Structure
Fishery Law & Enforce’ mt. MUNICIPAL AGRICULTURIST OPERATION CHIEF CROP PRODUCTION CO/CD Grains Hi-Value Comm’l Crops Crop Protecti on Rural Based Org’n. Cooperativ e Developm ent Agri. Bussiness and Marketing FISHERIES EXT. PROJECT Marine Santua ry Mun./ Comm ’l Fishing Fishpo nd Dev’t. LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT Animal Health Mgt. Makalues a Reforesta tion Animal Upgradi ng Personnel Compliment Tines- Animal Husbandry; Livestock Sarah- Agri. Econ.; Grains Darline- Agri. Tech.; CO/CD Mailyn - Agri. Econ.; Fisheries Jun-Jun- Animal Husbandry; HVCC/HDPW Pada- BS Fisheries; Municipal Agriculturist Meat Inspection? Livelihood? Research? Functions? Production, Management & Marketing
HDP Literacy - Knowledge & Skills IPs – Culture, Tradition & History Mining – Economic Opportunity & Environmental Protection Livelihood – Additional Economic Opportunity Health - Literacy Engineering - Mining