Lambchop Stoffel and Chriz Wojdak
Herbert Quimby Farnsworth was a student at Edward’s School for the Gifted. One of Herbert’s hobbies was collecting pet fish. Since he was very little Herbert would collect rare species of fish and keep them in elaborate fish tanks.
Herbert had many different fish. Every day he would collect fish by going down to the pond and catching them in a net. He loved his fish.
They were his only friends. Herbert had many unique fish tanks in every room of his house. One day, however, Herbert noticed that one of his fish tanks was looking crowded. They were his only friends. Herbert had many unique fish tanks in every room of his house. One day, however, Herbert noticed that one of his fish tanks was looking crowded. The fish barely had enough room to swim around comfortably.
The store claimed to carry the best selection of fish tanks and fish tank accessories. Herbert decided he had so many fish that he needed to buy a new fish tank. So, the next day, Herbert set out to find the perfect fish tank. Herbert went to the local pet store, Pets Mania. The store claimed to carry the best selection of fish tanks and fish tank accessories.
He found a cube shaped tank, but it was too expensive.
He also found a sphere shaped tank but it rolled too much.
Then he found a fish tank in the shape of a square frustum, but Herbert didn’t think it looked “cool” enough.
After looking at many different models, and consulting with his fish- friends, Herbert determined that the hexagonal pyramid shaped tank was the best. It was the perfect fish tank. It was just the right size so his new fish could have enough room and not too big so the tank would fit right on the shelf in Herbert’s room.
Herbert bought the fish tank and left the store eager to go bring it home.
He was very excited and started thinking about what to put inside the fish tank. Maybe he would add some rocks and seaweed or make a small coral reef. Maybe he would put an underwater castle in the tank for his fish to swim in.
On his way home, Herbert bumped into Butch, the school bully. The bully said “Hey geek face! What's that stupid thing you’re holding?” “It's a Fish Tank!” Herbert replied.
Then Butch, the school bully, grabbed Herbert by his shirt. “Your fish tank is stupid! Give it to me!” He yelled Just then, Herbert grabbed his fish tank and ran as fast as he could.
Butch the bully was following close behind. Herbert tried to lose him by running through small alleyways and hiding behind trash cans but eventually found himself trapped in a corner.
Butch found him and picked up Herbert’s fish tank. “Noooo don’t do it!” Herbert screamed. It was too late. Butch picked up the fish tank and smashed it. Butch then proceeded to punched Herbert in the face
Herbert was very sad and cried. He needed a fish tank badly, so his fish would be happy. He had no more money and his fish needed a new home. Herbert met with his friend Sherman and explained the situation.
“I know what we can do!” Sherman proclaimed. “What?” Herbert asked Sherman explained to Herbert that his best option was to buy the materials needed and build the fish tank themselves. The two of them could do the math to construct the tank.
Sherman guaranteed Herbert that if they built it themselves the tank would not only be cheaper than the store bought tank, it would be better too. They would need to do math to minimize the cost and figure out the correct measurements
He needed the fish tank to hold 24 gallons of water. Herbert and Sherman went to the Home Depot to find the materials. The cost of the base is 30 dollars per square meter, and the cost of the sides and top is 25 dollars per square meter.
So after buying what he needed, Herbert and Sherman got out their ti-84 plus Silver Edition calculators and started doing the math…
Herbert determined the length of the side to be cm, the slant height to be cm, the height to be cm, and the apothem to be cm. He found the minimum cost to be $ Herbert and his fish lived happily ever after.