Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Vocabulary Needs Energy Flow Environmental Impact 300
Question Column What is the best thing to do with a used plastic bottle?
Answer Column Recycle or Reuse it!
Question Column It is important to recycle nonrenewable resources because they are_________?
Answer Column Limited
Question Column Define and list 2 examples of nonrenewable resources?
Answer Column Resources that can not be replenished (grown again) in your lifetime. Examples : oil, coal, natural gas, iron
Question Column Define and give 2 examples of renewable resources.
Answer Column Resources that can be replaced or grown again. Examples: Trees, fish
Question Column Why is it important to recycle nonrenewable resources?
Answer Column Once they are used up we can’t replace them.
Question Column Define a food chain.
Answer Column The path of energy in food from one organism to another.
Question Column Give a synonym for detrimental.
Answer Column Bad, harmful
Question Column Give a synonym for the word beneficial.
Answer Column Good, helpful
Question Column Define and draw a food web.
Answer Column Overlapping food chains in an ecosystem
Question Column Define carrying capacity and name one thing that limits it.
Answer Column The number of living things that any area of land or water can support at one time. It can be limited by the amount of water, food, shelter, or space.
Question Column Name four out of the six basic needs
Answer Column Food, water, air, waste disposal, shelter, space
Question Column Why is a duck better suited to living in a pond ecosystem than in the tundra?.
Answer Column A duck finds its food in the water and there is little liquid water in the tundra. Also a duck uses its webbed feet to swim away from predators. The duck would not be able to swim away from predators in the tundra b/c there is no liquid water and the duck would be in danger!
Question Column Does there have to be more predators or more prey in a relationship and why?
Answer Column There must be more prey because the predator uses more energy and therefore needs more energy than one prey can provide.
Question Column Photosynthesis changes light energy into what kind of energy?
Answer Column Chemical energy
Question Column If a forest fire destroyed a forest, which basic needs of a bear would be affected?
Answer Column Shelter, food, air (smoke)
Question Column What type of organism is found first in a food chain?
Answer Column Producer
Question Column What way do the arrows point in a food chain?
Answer Column The energy flows to the eater.
Question Column Create a food chain with these organisms: snake, grass, frog, grasshopper.
Answer Column Grass to grasshopper to frog to snake
Question Column What level of an energy pyramid has the most energy?
Answer Column Bottom
Question Column What part of the food chain gets its energy directly from the sun?
Answer Column Plants
Question Column Name a beneficial and a detrimental effect if rabbits were brought into an ecosystem that doesn’t normally have rabbits.
Answer Column 5-100
Question Column Water is one of Earth’s maintainable resources. Label the diagram of the Water Cycle. A BB C C D
Answer Column A = precipitation B = condensation C = evaporation D = runoff
Question Column Tell one way a beaver can have a detrimental effect on its environment.
Answer Column Destroys habitat or food of other animals when it takes down trees.
Question Column If a farmer were to use a pesticide on his crop, what are two detrimental effects that might happen to the environment?
Answer Column )Herbivores might ingest the poisons and 2.) the poison would get passes through the food chain.
Question Column If trees were cut down to make space for a new shopping center, how would this affect the deer population and why.
Answer Column The population would decrease because the deer would not be able to meet their needs of food or shelter.