West Virginia Co-requisite Developmental Education Reform COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM OF WV Moving West Virginia Forward West Virginia Co-requisite Developmental Education Reform June 12, 2015 James L. Skidmore, Chancellor WV Council for Community and Technical College Education
Graduation Rate of Developmental Education Students The Problem First-Time Freshmen In Developmental Education Graduation Rate of Developmental Education Students
System Approach to Reform Council is a coordinating board, not a governing board Presented data to presidents, chief academic officers, deans, and faculty Formed Developmental Education Task Force Received $1 million Complete College America Grant, and held an In-state Academy Fall of 2013, Chancellor Skidmore issued challenge- full scale co-requisite by Fall of 2014
Developmental Education Courses 2011- English 2014- English
Results- English Traditional Model, Fall 2011- Gateway Success after 2 years One Semester Model, Fall 2014 Blue Ridge CTC 27% 53% BridgeValley CTC 43% 72% Eastern CTC 91% Mountwest CTC 34% n/a New River CTC 36% 70% Pierpont CTC 35% Southern WV CTC 42% WV Northern CC 40% WVU at Parkersburg 66% System-wide 37% 68%
Developmental Education Courses 2011- Math 2014- Math
Results- Math Traditional Model, Fall 2011- Gateway Success after 2 years One Semester Model, Fall 2014- Gateway Success first semester Blue Ridge CTC 10% n/a BridgeValley CTC 19% 70% Eastern CTC 27% Mountwest CTC 12% 74% New River CTC 67% Pierpont CTC Southern WV CTC 13% 37% WV Northern CC 9% WVU at Parkersburg 71% System-wide 14% 62%