Plumas Lake Elementary School District Budget Update February 24, 2009 Where students build foundations for the future …A Vision in Focus Our Mission Plumas Lake Elementary School District, in partnership with our families and community, is committed to ensuring a student-focused, safe, and challenging environment in which students understand and assume their responsibility for life long learning, work to achieve their personal best, and become productive citizens in a diverse global society.
Today’s Agenda Mid-year Reductions Mid-year Reductions Budget Budget Options for Budget Reductions Options for Budget Reductions
Mid-Year Budget Reductions mid-year reductions mid-year reductions –COLA funded in Budget Act – 0.68% eliminated – No COLA means cumulative loss of $320K –Further Revenue Limit reductions of 2.487% - loss of $280K –Total deficit factor % - total loss of $600K –State categorical programs cut 15.4% with exception of: Special Education Special Education Class-size reduction Class-size reduction Home-to-school transportation Home-to-school transportation Child Nutrition Child Nutrition
Budget Eliminated projected 5.02% COLA Eliminated projected 5.02% COLA Deficit factor is 4.78% Deficit factor is 4.78% Additional Revenue Limit cuts – 3.213% Additional Revenue Limit cuts – 3.213% Total deficit factor – % - cumulative loss revenue is $915K Total deficit factor – % - cumulative loss revenue is $915K Projected loss of revenue due to drop in ADA - $171K Projected loss of revenue due to drop in ADA - $171K State Categorical programs – additional cut 4.9% - $11K State Categorical programs – additional cut 4.9% - $11K
Certificated Management Eliminate Certificated Management - $256,063 Eliminate Certificated Management - $256,063 –Vice Principal - $78,021 –Director of Students Services/Charter School - $90,638 –Special Ed Program Specialist - $87,404 –Actual savings will vary –Will bump back to teaching positions –One additional certificated position layoff will be required for each certificated management position eliminated –Approximate savings based on salary schedule and & $10K health benefits cap –Used average teachers salary, $62,096, to calculate approximate savings Reduce Principal’s work year - $7,568 Reduce Principal’s work year - $7,568 –From 210 to 205 days
Classified Management Reduce classified management work year - $17,705 Reduce classified management work year - $17,705 –Director of Food Services – reduce from 260 to $7,134 –FMOT Director – reduce from 260 to $8,085 –Director of Business Services – reduce from 260 to $2,486
Certificated Eliminate certificated teachers - $306,354 Eliminate certificated teachers - $306,354 –Eliminate Art program - $62,096 Art teacher – 1 FTE (Riverside Meadows) Art teacher – 1 FTE (Riverside Meadows) –Reduce music program - $39,881 Elementary – 0.50 FTE teacher - $35,389 Elementary – 0.50 FTE teacher - $35,389 Band – Reduce from 0.33 FTE to 0.25 FTE teacher- $4,492 Band – Reduce from 0.33 FTE to 0.25 FTE teacher- $4,492 –Eliminate two elementary PE teachers - $124,192 –Eliminate extra teacher time - $80,185 (based on figures) Eliminate three FTE K-5 self contained classroom teachers - $186,288 (revised) Eliminate three FTE K-5 self contained classroom teachers - $186,288 (revised) Note: Approximate savings are based on average teacher salary & benefits. Actual cost savings will vary due to seniority/bumping rights.