Adcom Committee Membership Report July 19, 2014 Sal Portillo
1.Conferences supported this year: A.ICOPS-Washington DC B.RTC- Nara C.IPAC- Dresden D.PSMR- Kos E.NSREC- Paris F.LAWPSS – San Jose G.Power Modulator – Santa Fe H.ISEML-Skipped I.NSS/MIC- Upcoming 2.Things that are going well: A.Recruit hard at conferences –our volunteers put a lot of heart into this 1.Thank you all volunteers! B.Show/wave our flag at conferences 1.We are vocal and engaging, if possible we are on the screen before plenary, in between sessions, NPSS is represented
Things that are going well (Cont.): 1.Developed a new training process for new volunteers A.Skype based, mentored by Membership Committee B.Active help during conference 2.Typically ~10%- 15% of of conference attendees sign up (IEEE, IEEE/NPSS) 3.We try for “High Value Recruits” A.All recruits are vetted for prior membership prior to being sent to IEEE B.We seek students out. C.We dont recruit the Janitorial staff, the pizza delivery guy, et.. D.We try hard for Asian and other regions 1.At ICOPS and Power Modulator- Little interest from Chinese visitors 4.Our efforts in Mexico, Central America, South America going slow but moving... A.More on this in a bit... 5.We have some ideas for future conference A.More on this in a bit
Some logistical issues this year... Material delays as well as delays in registering members But we try to overcome
The main point though I think is the 10-15% recruiting at conferences: Why is this? 1.Many are already members 2.Dont see value (Chinese, even though they save money..)...Not enough ‘good’ fish in the pond?? We need to think of other options. Some thoughts for upcoming Turkey Conference 1.New exposure to new possible members.. 2.Should pay special attention to these new members A.Conference website- ‘Strong visual pitch’ B.Free 6 month membership AFTER the conference C.Strong engagement during conference activities..
Ok but.. I believe that we need to ‘mentor’ new members and help these in the beginning, especially in other regions: Mexico, Central America,.... Others: Women, Students, How? Can we establish such a program where we do ‘mentor’ new members? 1.Membership, transnational, chapters, treasurer (!), upcoming conferences.. TAKE an intern., maybe 2. 2.Offer them a temporary internship and learn from us. 3.Make it a rotating term, every two years we get new blood. 4.Teach them, make them leaders, put them back in the pond and see if they take.. 5.Yes many downsides: Money, some of them too green, we are busy,... Or: 10% at conferences and Chinese ambivalence!!
Thank you!