Forgotten People Foundation Annalyse Nordstrom, Chad Lynch, Nick Heister, Marc Gillette wSaRis33I
The Forgotten Over 80 million people currently live in Vietnam. Within the population, over 4 million people are disabled and/or abandoned.
Home for Abandoned and Disabled Children (HADC) Located in the providence of Bach Ninh, Vietnam Currently 20 residents call the HADC their home Residents at the HADC have been abandoned by their families due to their disabilities 8 Nun’s provide care to the residents Residents range in age from young children to elderly.
Forgotten People Foundation (FPF) Our Mission : To promote health awareness and provide vocational training for the unemployed, disabled, and outcast people in Vietnam. Our goal is not only to help these forgotten people with basic supplies, but more importantly to provide much needed health awareness and vocational training.
Founders of FPF Jerry Braza A former WOU Health Education faculty member Tuan Nguyen A former prisoner of War and boat person In March 2005 they visited a government supported leprosy colony in Vietnam. Upon returning to the United States, they wanted to create a non- profit organization that would benefit disabled and abandoned individuals. The creation of the Forgotten People Foundation was formed.
The Need for Compassion “ Creating awareness so people become aware of what the needs are…and more important that young people develop, what I consider is a very important trait that is missing today, is compassion. It changes the people who work on the project because you become a little more aware of some group that has some difficulties.” --Jerry Braza In order to effectively understand the needs of the residents at the HADC we got in contact with the Head Nun Sister Linh.
Current Health Issues of HADC Environment Polluted water sources Hygiene Food Shortage Medical supplies Rooms/Space
Who: Forgotten People Foundation student led group What: Fundraiser of Malla bracelets and scarves from Vietnam When: November 30 th, and December 2 nd Where: Werner University Center, WOU Why: To raise money for the residents of the HADC. Supportive Efforts :
Airline Miles Donation Currently we are working with Northwest Airlines to create an account for frequent flyer mile donations. Our group contacted Northwest Airlines on November 11, 2009 to submit our account information. Northwest Airlines: The miles will be beneficial in two ways: 1. To help send students over to Vietnam to visit the Orphanage. 2. To send the nun’s over to the United States for medical training.
FPF/ A Shopping List: Possible Donations Adopt a Resident at HADC Adopt a School (Bac Ninh) Complete Construction of HADC Train a CNA/ Nurse/ in US Tuition for School Child Monthly teacher Salary Sponsor a visit to HADC Shower Wheelchair Bed for HADC Food for a Week at the HADC Amount of Money $20/ month $500/Year $ $ $10/ year $50/Month $ $ $ $50.00
Future Goals For FPF Completion of the new HADC orphanage Creating more awareness of the Forgotten people of Vietnam. Create a regular schedule for exchange of students and nuns Training for Nun’s: CNA training, advanced training and diagnosis for residents Sanitation supplies New beds Physical therapy, Occupational Therapy
Help Spread the word and create Awareness: Facebook page: The Forgotten People Foundation