Why Reform Government?
Federal Spending National Debt: $13.23 Trillion Federal Spending National Debt: $13.23 Trillion Your personal share? Over $42,000 National Deficit: National Deficit: Last Year: Over $1.4 Trillion This Year: Over $1.6 Trillion
State Spending Increased by 73% from Grew 28% Faster than Inflation and Population Growth FY 2011/2012 Budget: Reduces State Spending to 2006 Levels
The Mission of the Commission on Government Reform & Restructuring is to: 1.Identify opportunities for creating efficiencies in state government, including streamlining, consolidating, or eliminating redundant and unnecessary agency services, governing bodies, regulations and programs; 1.Identify opportunities for creating efficiencies in state government, including streamlining, consolidating, or eliminating redundant and unnecessary agency services, governing bodies, regulations and programs; 2.Explore innovative ways to deliver state services at the lowest cost and best value to Virginia taxpayers; 2.Explore innovative ways to deliver state services at the lowest cost and best value to Virginia taxpayers; 3.Seek out means to more effectively and efficiently perform core state functions, including potential privatization of government operations where appropriate, and restore focus on core mission-oriented service; 3.Seek out means to more effectively and efficiently perform core state functions, including potential privatization of government operations where appropriate, and restore focus on core mission-oriented service; 4.Examine ways for state government to be more transparent, user friendly and accountable to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
Create an inventory of land and buildings owned by the Commonwealth and divest of surplus property Create an inventory of land and buildings owned by the Commonwealth and divest of surplus property Consolidate revenue collection functions across agencies into one department Consolidate revenue collection functions across agencies into one department Consolidate separate agency Inspectors General into one office that will do ongoing performance reviews, audits and examinations of waste, fraud and abuse Consolidate separate agency Inspectors General into one office that will do ongoing performance reviews, audits and examinations of waste, fraud and abuse Implement 4 Day/10 hour work week for state employees to save on energy costs while improving productivity & reducing traffic Implement 4 Day/10 hour work week for state employees to save on energy costs while improving productivity & reducing traffic Transform DMV centers into One-Stop Government Customer Service Centers with expanded government services Transform DMV centers into One-Stop Government Customer Service Centers with expanded government services Consolidate or eliminate boards and commissions that are no longer serving a necessary policy purpose Consolidate or eliminate boards and commissions that are no longer serving a necessary policy purpose ~ A Few Ideas ~
Centralize more of the back-office shared services of state agencies to leverage economies of scale Centralize more of the back-office shared services of state agencies to leverage economies of scale Display agency organizational charts on websites to facilitate better citizen communications Display agency organizational charts on websites to facilitate better citizen communications Eliminate state & federal mandates on local governments to free them to focus on core services Eliminate state & federal mandates on local governments to free them to focus on core services Consolidate dozens of toll free numbers into one customer friendly number for all services in Virginia Consolidate dozens of toll free numbers into one customer friendly number for all services in Virginia Reduce spending on administrative expenses across state government Reduce spending on administrative expenses across state government Increase the transparency and ease of navigation through the state budget Increase the transparency and ease of navigation through the state budget ~ A Few Ideas ~
One Good Idea: Privatize ABC
* www2.timesdispatch.com/news/2010/jun/25/ed-hinkle25b-ar / ** Commonwealth Competition Council Meeting Minutes; January 5, 2010
Postage Stamp: 3 Cents Population of Fairfax County: 25,000* Population of Virginia 2,421,851 Average Cost of a Gallon of Gas: 10 cents Best Actor: Clark Gable First Television Broadcast in Soviet Union *1930 United States Census figure
Postage Stamp: 44 Cents Population of Fairfax County: 1,037,605 Population of Virginia: 7,882,590 Average Cost of a Gallon of Gas: $2.58 Best Actor: Jeff Bridges Russians on Facebook: 1,000,000
(Going from current 332 stores to 800)
(percentage) WA 43.4 OR 40.4 CA 38.2 MT 53.4 ID 39.0 NV 39.0 UT 26.0 AZ 38.0 ND 58.1 SD 53.0 WY 50.7 CO 48.4 NM 39.5 NE 45.8 KS 49.4 OK 37.4 TX 39.3 MN 52.6 IA 49.4 MO 44.6 AR 39.7 MS 32.1 AL 33.1 GA 36.7 FL 39.0 WI 53.3 IL 46.9 IN 41.5 KY 40.7 TN 37.1 SC 37.3 NC 36.8 VA 42.9 MI 46.0 OH 47.1 PA 44.6 NY 42.7 MD 40.2 ME 46.2 DE 45.0 NH 53.7 VT 54.0 NJ 43.5 CT 49.9 AK 40.8 HI 42.3 WV 39.8 DC 48.9 MA 52.7 RI 52.0 LA 39.1 Source: SAMHSA State Estimates of Substance Use from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health U.S. Avg. = 42.0, 11 Control States above, 7 below
More choices, competition and convenience for Virginians More choices, competition and convenience for Virginians Health, safety and law enforcement still controlled by the Commonwealth Health, safety and law enforcement still controlled by the Commonwealth General Fund revenue for the Commonwealth maintained General Fund revenue for the Commonwealth maintained Thousands of private sector jobs created Thousands of private sector jobs created Local governments will still have a say on the issuance of licenses Local governments will still have a say on the issuance of licenses