Recap pp Dad goes on a violent, drunken rampage and threatens Mom with a butcher knife. Mom decided it was time for another move/adventure, this time with West Virginia being the destination. She thought Dad’s parents might help get him under control. A month later, they arrived in Welch, WV and stayed with Erma (Grandma), Grandpa, and Uncle Stanley in their run-down house. Because Welch appears so poverty stricken, Mom cheerfully announces that she will probably be the only artist in town and her career could take off there! Mom enrolled them in school and the teachers and kids were mean because they thought Jeannette was uppity. The kids were bullied mercilessly. Jeannette “saves” a boy from a vicious dog and one of the mean girls saw it happen. Jeannette becomes friends with this girl, who happens to be black. This causes Erma and Uncle Stanley to turn on Jeannette and Jeannette tells them not to use the N word. Mom and Dad don’t defend Jeannette and tell her to just get along with the bigoted relatives, which confuses Jeannette. Mom says Jeannette must look for a “redeeming” quality in Erma.
If parents aren’t getting along, is it better for them to live separately? [pg. 125] Is there a point when it is time for one to give up one’s dream? If so, what is that point? [pg ] Should an adult who was abused as a child forgive and try to help the abuser? [148]
You are a therapist and Dad comes to you to get help. Rex: “I want to stop all the drinking, violence, and running away. I don’t know how to start.” therapist: “Rex, I believe you have to address the drinking first, since it leads to violence. What makes you reach for the bottle?” Rex: “I have these bad thoughts about myself running through my head, like I’m a bad person.” Therapist: “Ok, so let’s write down one of these thoughts.”
You are a therapist and Dad comes to you to get help. HIS ISSUE: His mother’s neglect and abuse still haunt him and he drinks to cope. Write a short conversation. Pretend Rex told you a LOT about actions, family, jobs… What will you say to Dad and what will he say back to you? therapist: “Rex, I believe you…” Rex: “(your name), I feel like…”