Warren Township Schools February 13, 2012
Board of Education presents conceptual summary of budget Public Commentary Continued Budget Development, if necessary
Continued Program Excellence Keep any necessary budget cuts away from students’ quality of life in school Responsible and RESPONSIVE budgeting
Preliminary Budget Developed with Managers October-January Need to stay under the 2% tax levy increase cap State Aid Numbers Announced in late February If BOE votes to move BOE election to November, agree to do it for 4 years
Continued Support of current Class Size Guidelines Continuation of I & D Program (no additional costs) Expansion of World Language Program at WMS and continued support of WL program at elementary schools (no additional costs) Continued support of increase in Physical Education in grades 3-5 (no additional costs) Continued Implementation of 21 st Century training/programs
Maintaining all current programs, including REACH, ASAP, and full time guidance Full-day kindergarten After-school clubs and sports Courtesy Busing Inclusion of Fine/Gross Motor support for kindergarteners Increase in technology purchases
*No effect on tax levy, since funds come from capital reserve Resurfacing of playground and partial parking lot at MHS Replacement of Windows at Central School Renovation of Bathrooms at MHS Completion of installation of playground at WS Renovation of faculty restroom at WS
State aid will remain flat ($914,039) Extraordinary aid will remain flat ($200,000) No net increases in staffing Conservative salary increase
Teachers Teaching Teachers Maximization of teacher schedules Energy Conservation Shared Services Special Education in-district
Controlling for increases in health care costs Possible transportation increases Increased need for technology Special education costs Planning for staff salary increases
Must present balanced budget: Revenue = Expense Revenue Sources: Local Tax Levy State Aid Grants (Federal, State, Local) Miscellaneous Revenue (Transportation Jointures with other districts, Facilities Rental Fees, etc.)
App. $41,500,000 budget Last year’s tax levy =App. $37,000,000 Tax Levy Increase for Fund 10=1.73% Tax Levy Decrease for Fund 40=4.27% Overall 1.62% Increase = App. $600,000 in total
1.62% increase from last year’s tax levy $89 per year or $7.42 increase per month on average household ($625,650) Continued academic excellence/Responsible Planning and Responsive to the community
Adopt the preliminary budget on February 28 th Hold the official public hearing and adopt on March 27 th