Budget Update RYAN KAHLDEN JUNE 8, 2015
Timeline to date February ◦Generate enrollment estimates for each campus ◦Allocated preliminary budget amounts to campuses and departments March ◦Held budget meetings with each campus and department ◦Developed listing of campus needs April ◦Identified needs we could accommodate based on campus requests ◦Received certified tax estimate - $3.2B ($2.9B estimate in PY) May / June ◦Continue to identify needs and way to meet needs ◦Refine state funding
Addressing Needs Special Education ◦Added positions at campuses around the District; 23 in total Campus Growth ◦Added Pre-K class and bilingual classes ◦Added contingent positions for expected growth ◦Added 8 teaching positions at secondary campuses ◦Added up to 9 teaching positions at elementary campuses Allocated funds to campuses anticipating moderate growth (1.5%)
Commitment to Employees Continue our commitment to current employees ◦Increased teacher pay as part of TRE to be highest in Ellis County ◦Employees on teacher pay scale will automatically receive step-pay increase Approved 5% salary increase for support/auxiliary personnel Approved 4% salary increase for administrative personnel
Commitment to Taxpayers Buildings: ◦Continue allocation for HVAC replacements ◦Continue allocation for campus renovation ◦Looking to upgrade playground equipment Fiscal Responsibility: ◦Prepare for uncertainties ◦Budget in the black ◦Goal to have $20MM unrestricted fund balance in General Fund
Any Questions?