Please do not talk at this timeNov 17 4 volunteers to pass back papers Get out everything you have on Haitian Revolution (put this aside for a moment) Get out everything you have on Napoleon. – Look at all the evidence you have collected. – What region (France, Europe or the Americas) has the MOST information you could use. – Choose a region for your essay – Organize your information into 3 categories (Social, Political and Economic) You may have done some of this already.. HW: Prepare for your in class essay test. Prepare your page of notes.
I. THESIS STATEMENT: Napoleon had a (positive/negative/lasting/short term/great/small etc…) impact on (France, Europe, or the Americas). II. Napoleon had a (positive/negative/lasting/short term/great/small etc…) (social, political, economic) impact on (region). One way that Napoleon impacted (region) (socially, economically, politically) was … The significance of this impact was … Another way Napoleon impacted (region) (socially, economically, politically pick same as above) was… The significance of this impact was… Overall, Napoleons (social, political, economic pick same as above) effect on France was… III. Repeat above structure with one of the other two aspects of society (Social, political, economic). If you used social in the paragraph above, use political or economic now… IV. Repeat above structure with the last aspect of society. V. In conclusion, the impact that Napoleon had on (France, Europe, or the Americas) was…
Academic Expressions for History/Social Studies Writing For Analysis of Evidence: The evidence strongly suggests that… We can draw several conclusions from our analysis of the documents, such as… One way to interpret this event is… This event was important because… It really means…because… In the past, …had a different meaning. For example, according to the author… From the perspective of…, we can see… For Cause-and-Effect Thinking: It was not just one cause, though; we need to consider other factors, such as… That was a result of… The most likely reason for…was… The…led to…, which led to… She was motivated by… There were political, social and economic motives for… Had a significant influence on…
Consider the Reasons given last week in the Haitian War Crimes trial… Use one of these Sentence Stems for Justify to craft a sentence that sums up the reason or reasons the Haitians or the French were Justified (or not justified) to be as violent as they were…. They felt they had no choice… It wasnt necessary… They had every/no right to… They felt they needed to… There was no other way to… It was justified… They had been pushed into a corner… It was inevitable that.. In order to defend themselves… It was inexcusable… The injustice of the situation led to…